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Astrology and Horoscopes April 2023: New Horizons

Writer's picture: YourAstroGenesYourAstroGenes

April's Libra Full Moon seeks balance even as the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries pushes us to our limits. Mercury retrograde calls for a reassessment. 'Tis a brave new world.

We’re already in eclipse Eason as April sets in, headed for the most critical eclipse of the year: a Total Solar Eclipse in the final degree of Aries on April 20th. Riding on top of it, Mercury stations retrograde on April 21st, breaking a three month trend of every planet moving direct in the skies. With Mars in Cancer stirring strong feelings and memories of the past, a Full Moon in Libra on the 6th revealing uncomfortable truths, and both Saturn and Pluto aspecting the eclipse points, April promises to be yet another incredibly critical month. Let’s take April’s events one by one.

Mars in Cancer March 25th-May 20th: Build Your Defences!

Mars is in Cancer for the whole of April and until May 20th. After a rocky start on March 25th when Mars first entered Cancer and confronted us with our emotions, we can now start feeling our way through our inner world and snap out of the intense head-rush that Mars in Gemini put us through for nearly seven months since last August. It’s time to work through neglected emotional material, defend our turf, and create a more secure space for growth and sustenance. Cancer has much to do with memory. And as April starts, Mars in harmony with Saturn and the Lunar Nodes creates an emotional stranglehold of energy that could dredge up buried feelings to be processed. Ultimately this is an opportunity to feel and heal the past and move forward.

Mercury enters Taurus April 3rd: Let’s Talk Shop!

April arrives upon heavy news and commotion as Mercury enters Taurus on the 3rd and immediately squares Pluto in Aquarius. Our thoughts now turn to securing greater sustenance, financial prosperity and quality of life - even against overwhelming odds. By the 5th, Mercury sextiles Saturn in Pisces, an opportunity to discuss strategies. On the same day, the Sun conjuncts Chiron, paving the way for a deeply touching Full Moon in Libra on the 6th and planting new seeds to help heal society’s rifts. All kinds of underlying wrath and rage is rising to consciousness right now. Watch out especially for themes around medicine, injury and healing, Chiron’s realm, as well as themes to do with the underdog. Mercury soon comes to sextile Mars and conjunct the North Node (April 6th-7th), bringing important conversations to the forefront so that action can be taken. That's also when Mercury enters his retrograde shadow period (the degrees he'll cross over again when he goes retrograde on April 21st) so the themes activated from here on in will be with us for the next six weeks. Use April 6th to 20th to finalise business and tie up loose ends.

Libra Full Moon April 6th: Hindsight is 2020!

April’s poignant Full Moon arrives on the 6th at 05:34BST at 16:07 Libra, right opposite Chiron’s annual conjunction with the Sun.

Here we have all kinds of past hurt and anger rising to the surface, due to broken social contracts, with a good dose of injury, scapegoating and victimisation.

Healing and medical issues also come to the forefront as Chiron was the mentor of Asclepius, the father of medicine. With Jupiter also involved, this is an important moment for truth, morals, law and justice, yet also magnifying everything that's wrong, sick and needs healing in this world.

The Chiron-Jupiter conjunction of March is still operative at this point, with Jupiter, Chiron and the Sun opposite this Full Moon, lending the whole affair an official air, aiming at rebalancing the scales. A sense of detached contemplation, no matter how hurtful the events we are looking at, characterises this Full Moon’s Sabian Symbol: “a retired sea captain watches ships entering and leaving the harbour”. Here we find the capacity to see a whole life from a new perspective, to gain a calmer and more objective understanding of the past, especially a past with intense crises and deeply involving experiences.

This is a galvanising and healing moment.

Venus, ruler of this Full Moon, is in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces, allowing us to process our experience via a more glamorous, artistic, compassionate or romantic lens. Mercury-Mars and the Lunar Nodes meanwhile communicate loudly and directly, energising us to action.

Sun-Jupiter April 11th: Hyper-Confidence!

The Sun-Jupiter conjunction that is latent at the April Full Moon becomes exact on the 11th, carrying Chiron’s message of anger and disempowerment to authoritative Jupiter with the hope of restoring truth and justice.

The Sun only conjuncts Jupiter once a year (in a new sign) - a lucky moment greatly valued by astrologers for launching new projects or approaching people with proposals and ideas.

This year's conjunction favours bold and brave enterprises as Jupiter and the Sun meet in Aries - especially those undertaken by underdogs, mavericks and outsiders, thanks to Chiron.

The only danger with this aspect is hybris, arrogance, overdoing it. No need to use a sledgehammer to kill a mosquito (plus you’ll probably miss). April 11th plants new seeds for truth and growth.

Venus in Gemini April 11th: Sample Every Flower…

Also on the 11th, Venus enters Gemini where she immediately trines Pluto in Aquarius followed by a square to Saturn in Pisces on the 14th. This is a totally new energy set-up for Gemini, arming Venus to the teeth for a lethal charm offensive. It’s an empowering yet critical moment. Obstacles mean we have to work harder to make a connection or make ends meet. Connecting the dots can bring great rewards but requires a realistic appraisal of the situation.

Venus will stay in Gemini until May 7th, a welcome change from Mars’ recent seven month stay in the sign.

Fairer winds in dialogue and conversation allow us all to finally relax and take greater pleasure in connecting with each other or walking about town.

Saturn, Pluto and the Lunar Nodes: Humanity’s Crossroads…

Mid-April also sees Saturn harmonising perfectly with the Lunar Nodes or eclipse points. (Saturn sextiles the true North Node on the 13th and the mean one on the 19th). This is an influence that has been building for a while and will take us all the way to July 2023. Still, something crystallises now. It could potentially be negative elements, alongside an opportunity for restructure.

This is potentially a calming, stabilising influence, but also a dampening of enthusiasm in the early days of April.

That's due to Mars locking into Saturn and the Nodes - three traditional ‘malefics’ embracing the world. But there is also the opportunity to get a hold of the energy here so we can ground it, before new issues arise at this month’s total eclipse of the sun. Also on April 13th, the Moon hits waning quarter in Capricorn, and it’s time for a more mature perspective.

Pluto is also squaring the eclipse points (or Lunar Nodes) as we speak, edging every closer to perfection as we get to July, a critical moment.

Pluto squaring the Lunar Nodes is a bit like an ultimatum. Change or die. Burn your bridges. Make a new choice. An all or nothing crossroads of crucial decisions when everything hangs in the balance as we head to July.

It’s good to get ahead of this energy now by becoming aware of the precise nature of the emotional burdens we carry that hold us back (the pull of the South Node locked in with Saturn and Mars being strong right now). It’s all about taking small concrete steps towards lightening the load.

Aries Total Solar Eclipse April 20th: Bold Initiative!

And so we arrive at April’s pièce de resistance. On April 20th at 05:12BST we have a rare ‘Hybrid’ Total Eclipse of the Sun in Aries. This is a Total Solar Eclipse (that also apparently appears partial and annular in places as it progresses across the world), mainly visible over Australia and the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. This New Moon Eclipse is also a Blue Moon of sorts - the second lunation in Aries in a row. Plus it’s at the critical final degree of Aries, at exactly 29:50 degrees with the Sun entering Taurus only four hours later on the very same day, at 9:13BST. That’s as rare as they come!

Apart from being quite unique, this eclipse is also the first of its kind - the first one in Aries since 2015 and the first Aries North Node eclipse since 2006, kicking off a series of new global themes around war versus peace, heroism versus justice, leadership versus compromise that will take us into 2024.

It’s worth noting that this Total Solar Eclipse highlights the events of January 6th in the US (the storming of the Capitol), which took place with angry Mars at that same critical Aries degree.

This is a manic, compulsive, desperate moment - a last ditch attempt to express anger, reclaim sovereignty and take matters into one’s own hands.

It’s also the final degree which potentially distills the wisdom of each sign, here Aries, the sign of the warrior and pioneer, trying to carve a path through the wilderness. Anger, while a potentially destructive force, is also the only force in the universe that protects us from becoming doormats. It is only ever activated by the violation of personal space or the transgression of boundaries. It’s crucial to address the hurt that lies behind anger now and do something concrete about it.

An important figure could be ‘eclipsed’ now or even seen in a new light, opening a dynamic portal for matured concrete and dynamic action.

Solar eclipses are new moons and, as such, indicate the birth of new energy. As this April 20th Total Solar Eclipse is also conjunct the North Node and takes place in a whole new sign, everything about it its brand new. Events may feel unfamiliar now, setting us on a totally new path, propelling us to an unknown future.

As this is the second New Moon in Aries in a row, there is double emphasis on the importance of taking bold steps, of being brave and taking a stand rather than being compromised.

With the North Node about to move into Aries this July, courage is what’s called for if we’re going to get out of the mire. Being meek and deferential is no longer an option. This is the ignition of the will.

Given that this is a Total Solar Eclipse, it promises to be high intensity. With the Sun and Moon conjunct the Lunar Nodes and Jupiter, and closely square Pluto, the pressure is almost unbearable, galvanising us into action and cutting off the retreat. More so, as this eclipse belongs to a whole family of eclipses that’s too hot to handle, carrying a really passionate signature as material erupts from the deep like lava. The energy build up of the past four weeks now pops, creating new fronts to fight on over at least the next six months. A sextile by Saturn to the Sun and Moon could offer hope for some restraint toward mature and realistic initiatives.

The Sabian Symbol for this Total Solar Eclipse is “a duck pond and its brood” symbolising confined activity. The energy here is distilled and matured into concrete action that is capable of yielding concrete results.

This is the moment of focalisation and substantiation of energy and potency. A second chance to take calculated initiatives even if it is within certain given parameters.

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus April 21st-May 15th: Review Priorities

Back to back with this critical Total Solar Eclipse, we see Mercury station retrograde in Taurus. After three months of every planet soldiering on direct, Mercury is the first to break ranks and hit the retros on April 21st at 09:34BST at 15:37 degrees Taurus.

It’s time to revisit our values, principles and priorities, reassess our energy investments and do a major financial review.

Taurus is an earth sign. It wants to secure and consolidate our existence, to make sure that we invest our energies wisely and take pleasure, so that we live a life worth living. A three week period now begins of reviewing what’s worth what. Mercury will stay retrograde til the early hours of May 15th when he turns direct at 05:50 degrees Taurus, right next to hopeful and forward looking Jupiter and the North Node - a good omen.

On April 21st, Mercury stationary retrograde is exactly conjunct the Moon in Taurus, whilst also closely conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars - a highly energising combination. These aspects continue to perfect as Mercury sextiles Mars for the second time this month on the 24th, and Mars sextiles Uranus on the 29th.

This Mercury retrograde stint is all about finding and enacting innovative solutions to old problems around money and resources, and about being proactive and progressive in our values.

With the Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus on the 24th too and sextile Saturn on the 25th, the 20th-25th of April is an important five day period shining a new light on crucial issues to do with our material survival and physical wellbeing. We are essentially being shown a new way forward and need to take time to reassess our options. This is an opportunity for revolutionary initiatives and a more responsible course of action.

The inferior conjunction between the Sun and Mercury takes place on May 2nd (at 11:19 degrees Taurus) planting expansive and freedom-loving seeds into the fertile soil. Green shoots start showing from mid-May as Mercury goes direct and we begin to move forward tentatively, from a new vantage point. The ideas planted this spring reach full bloom by the superior conjunction of July 1st, when Mercury and the Sun meet again in Cancer.

Chiron is still largely emphasised as we reach the end of April with Venus sextile Chiron on the 26th and Mars square it on the 27th, a potentially hurtful aspect.

Injury, scapegoating and, ultimately, healing are big April themes - both on the physical and health front, as well as on the social and political plane.

A paternal first quarter Moon in Leo, also on the 27th, energises us to action.

We’re now headed for the second spring 2023 eclipse, on May 5th, so this is an extremely important period of changes and realisations that will change the terrain considerably moving forward. Keep your ear to the ground, watch and listen. You’ll be ready to better understand the new lay of the land in the second half of May.

April 2023 Horoscope for every Zodiac Sign

What's the fallout of April's Total Solar Eclipse in Aries for every star sign? And where does April's Libra Full Moon and Mercury retrograde urge you to regain your footing and carry out a review of the situation? Let's divide the sky pie into twelve equal slices and taste the cherry in each and every one.

Your sun sign reveals the purposeful core of what is going on, your Ascendant sign showcases events as they pan out on the material plane, and your moon sign reflects how April's events affect you subconsciously via your environment and daily rhythms... Check'em out!

Aries April Horoscope

This month is all about discovering what you really want, dear Aries, and making a powerful decision to go for it. The eclipses are in your sign and it’s time for you to reinvent yourself. But first, it’s time for some home truths in the relationship sector. How do you balance leadership versus compromise? What you want versus what others need from you? On April 6th, get ready for a relationship to reveal some painful truths about yourself, like a mirror. This will help you come to a new understanding about yourself. You are fast becoming a maverick and pioneer, feeling more and more like following your own unique path. And it’s time that your relationships and interactions with others truly reflect your authentic self.

The Total Eclipse of April 20th in your sign opens a new portal for the future, a chance to reinvent yourself over the next six months to nine years on every level from your goals and overall approach to your appearance. You’ve a chance to take charge and do what you can about a situation long overdue. Mars, your ruler, is busy energising your home, property and family life with you pouring a lot of your energy in these arenas. As your self conception now changes, it is sure to impact your home and family.

Mercury retrograde urges you to reassess your finances and resources and reset your priorities April 21st-May 15th. Long overdue changes are beginning to take place in your social circles, network and friendships. As your own aspirations also change, this is bound to challenge your value system and how you handle your resources. You’re beginning to let go of your old life now and it’s important to come up with a new set of values for yourself. You can also look forward to pleasant meetings, trips and interactions from April 11th, with communications becoming more enjoyable after a confrontational seven months.

Taurus April Horoscope

It’s time to take a closer look at your lifestyle, dear Taurus. Whether that is your work or health routines or just the daily rhythms that make up your life, you are now preparing for a long overdue spiritual renewal with April’s total solar eclipse. Old spiritual wounds can find healing and rebalancing now through work and lifestyle changes. The Full Moon of the 6th holds a mirror to your physical and spiritual needs so you can make space for greater spiritual integrity in your daily life. Secret revelations help you heal and let go of the past with the advent of the eclipse. That, coupled with Mercury retrograde in your sign, means it’s time to take a step back and reassess your attitude and entire approach to life, down to your looks.

Venus in your sign til the 11th is a good time to update your appearance and treat yourself. After the 11th, Venus raises your confidence and self worth some more. After seven months of financial and physical stress, it’s high time you finally appreciated and enjoyed all the good things in your life. Despite Mercury retrograde, April could prove a very busy and active month for you, perhaps dealing with past matters that require resolution. Mars motivates you to meet with people, write emails, make calls, travel and connect all month long. Writing could also be an outlet for this energy.

You’re beginning to adjust to a new reality as April enters and you can sense that your life and career is about to enter a radical new trajectory, changing you and how you relate to others. You’re right and it’s only the beginning. It’s time to solidify your social network, find out where you belong and establish yourself in your circles. You’ll see concrete rewards for your efforts.

Gemini April Horoscope

You’re on fire, dear Gemini, your creativity off the charts! This month is all about your creative engagement and expression and your connection with your peers - especially with social circles that lie outside mainstream norms. An affair of the heart or creative project could culminate at the Full Moon of the 6th that clearly illustrates how deeply you’ve tapped into certain alternative social networks. Let your creativity shine a light on your authentic and maverick ideals now and guide you to connect with others more deeply. The eclipse is the start of a new worldly chapter for you. Important changes in your friendships or social circles open new pathways to find connection.

With your ruler Mercury retrograde from the 21st, there’s much activity behind the scenes. You may wish to review your spiritual practices, throw yourself into a private project or carry out secret talks behind closed doors. Do take time to rearrange the contents of your subconscious. Venus in your sign from the 11th makes you even more irresistible - and life much more pleasant - a welcome change after a very busy seven months. Your expenses may rise this month but you could also find that you are doubly motivated to make the most of your talents and resources, raising your confidence and earnings too.

You’re in the process of adjusting to new energies this month and you can sense that something big is cooking for you - whether it is your growing international appeal, taking the next step in your education, a travel opportunity, a rise in intellectual stature or simply the chance to get your message heard on a much wider scale via big publishing, marketing and broadcasting endeavours. At the same time you’re embarking on a new adventure, perhaps a new career that could challenge your current lifestyle, as you establish yourself in a different role in the world. Take time to reconnect with your creative spirit.

Cancer April Horoscope

Get ready for a total reorientation of your life, dear Cancer. The eclipses arrive in your home and career sectors and changes are due in both - from where you live to your public image and what you do for a living. Old responsibilities are about to be eclipsed from your life with new ones taking their place. But first, the April 6th Full Moon places the focus squarely on your property, home and family. Your career is taking strange and unusual turns these days and that illuminates your home situation. How can you set up your base for greater success and authenticity in your life path?

The Solar Eclipse of the 20th could open up totally new career paths for you. It could remove an authority figure from your life, show them up in a new light or open doors to allow you to rise in authority yourself. You’re about to enter unfamiliar career terrain - this is a new chapter. With Mars in your sign until May 20th you hold all the cards and can make others march to your tune. It’s time to stake your claim and ask for what you want. Take time to review a group project or endeavour, revisit your hopes and dreams for the future and reconnect with friends and allies from the 21st onwards. This will allow you to make a more informed decision as to where to pour your energies.

You’ll enjoy spending time in private from the 11th onwards, away from the spotlight - whether in creative research, private company or relaxation, meditation and therapy. This is just what you need after a truly harrowing seven months. Allow yourself some secret pleasures. You’re still adjusting to ongoing changes in your closest relationships and business partnerships and it’s only the beginning of an empowering journey. You can sense that your power lies in forming strong bonds and working closely with others now and you’re right. An international, legal, publishing or academic matter is also getting serious now and you’re starting to think about the bigger picture of your life. As these themes mature, they challenge your friendships and alliances and your hopes and dreams.

Leo April Horoscope

You’re on a great adventure, dear Leo, expanding your influence and your horizons this month. Big change is coming your way - perhaps through an international, publishing or broadcasting project, or perhaps through travel or an important ratification, an accreditation or academic credential, or expert verdict that’s been a constant source of pain and a long time in coming. You’re making something official and this will change your outlook on life. That’s due to the solar eclipse of the 20th which urges you to cast your eyes much further and wider afield. As the sun is your ruler, you may feel drained during this period so take it easy. Before that, April's Full Moon on the 6th sends an important communication or reveals crucial facts and figures to help you close a deal, sign a contract or make a decision. It’s important that you speak up now for you have crucial facts that need to be heard.

With Mercury retrograde from the 21st, it’s also time for you to reassess where you’re headed. An old career path may reopen or you may wish to take a moment and reassess your life goals and direction. April is a highly sociable period when you can enjoy spending time with friends and pursue your dreams in a more relaxed atmosphere - especially after the intense focus on making things happen of the past seven months. But do take frequent time outs. You’re dealing with tricky political and psychological situations still and that could be draining. Stay busy with preparations behind the scenes and bide your time for the big reveal this summer. Keep your cards close to chest.

You’re only now beginning to adjust to major relationship changes beginning to loom over the horizon and challenging your whole orientation to life, both in your family and your career. Take time to set proper boundaries with others - both emotional and financial - so you can create a safe space and build trust.

Virgo April Horoscope

Your finances are strongly highlighted this month, dear Virgo, as well as the levels of your overall energy, strength and resources. April 6th shines a light on your stuff: your assets, money, talents and - most importantly - your self worth. Ongoing pain to do with financial dependencies and fear of change highlight a need for greater self reliance and self worth. If financial and emotional entanglements have become a source of pain, take a moment to understand how these undermine your self-confidence, how they inform your priorities and ultimately how your unique ability to heal and support others could lead to greater self worth.

A transformative time begins for you with the total eclipse of April 20th. Hidden psychic material may erupt to the surface now - anger, rage and a desire for personal empowerment. This is also a new financial chapter for you, galvanising you to get on top of any issues to do with joint finances, debts and taxes. You may need to review a legal or official matter with your ruler Mercury retrograde from the 21st til May 15th. This may have to do with travel or immigration, or with a publishing, marketing or educational project, or with anything that requires a certain amount of expertise or a lawyer or stamp of approval. Take this Mercury retrograde time to get clearer on the bigger picture of your life. And get ready for a boost in your public image from the 11th onwards! After seven months of working hard toward your goals and functioning under pressure with lots of duties and responsibilities, you can finally enjoy some fairer professional winds and even bask in the favour of VIPs. Friendships and group involvements may demand much of your time and energy this month. You will find yourself highly motivated when in a team setting, helping a friend or promoting a cause all the way til May 20th - a good time to network and realise a dream.

You’re ready for major lifestyle changes, craving a working routine that promotes greater wellbeing and a deeper sense of meaningful engagement. This is only the beginning. You’re still adjusting to these realisations and they are challenging your entire outlook on life. Your relationships are also getting serious, as you begin to consider the future of an important relationship.

Libra April Horoscope

Relationships are strongly highlighted, dear Libra, with a particular relationship being a source of pain, but also great healing potential. With a Full Moon in your sign on the 6th, the spotlight falls squarely on you and what you can do to make things better. Relating wounds shed light on your own attitude and identity. How does interacting with others reflect on you? What’s your self image? What’s your approach? If you are not happy with what you find, it’s time to take the initiative for greater authenticity on the relationship front. The April 20th Total Eclipse might subsequently change your relationship terrain significantly, helping you see someone in a new light, opening up new opportunities for a contract or partnership, and clearing the space for something new. You’re about to experience major changes in how you interact with others and how you see yourself over the next couple of years - this is only the beginning.

April 21st-May 15th is a good time to tidy up loose financial ends - especially around joint finances, taxes, debts, bonuses or the division of property. Take a moment to think more deeply about how you want to share your energy with others and adjust your course. You’ll be glad to let your hair down from the 11th, as Venus creates the perfect conditions for a little holiday or some other pleasant change of scenery. Travel should be more pleasant now, official matters see fairer winds, and experts are inclined to give you a more favourable verdict than they have for the past seven months.

Your career is very hot now and until May 20th and while there may be some stress or antagonism, this is a good time to work hard toward achieving your goals. You’ll have many responsibilities and you can make a good job of them. Underneath it all, you’re ready to review your work and lifestyle. Perhaps you’re still adjusting to a change in workload or realising that your lifestyle leaves something to be desired. Love is what’s truly on your mind. You’re ready for huge changes on the love front - total rejuvenation - eager to create a life of greater love, joy and creativity. And this is only the beginning.

Scorpio April Horoscope

Ongoing pain to do with your daily routine, work and health is at the forefront of your mind as April enters, dear Scorpio. What’s the ideal balance between work and rest? What’s the optimal lifestyle for your own health and productivity? The Full Moon of April 6th brings a powerful ‘aha’ moment, revealing secrets and highlighting the importance of getting proper rest in order to function at your best. Take some time to be alone to reconnect with your spirit early in the month. You’re on the brink of major changes around your work and overall way of life, with the Total Eclipse of April 20th opening a brand new lifestyle chapter. It’s high time to take concrete action to address a health matter - or work situation - that’s dragged on for too long.

An important relationship, contract or partnership is up for review April 21st to May 15th. Use this time to carefully tease out what each person wants out of the relationship, check for any mismatch of values and adjust your own attitude toward someone. You’ll be glad to know that after seven months of financial struggle, money matters receive a boost from April 11th. You may even receive a gift or a generous bonus or line of credit. Equally you may be more likely to spend more on your credit card for pleasure.

Now is a good time to pour your energies into a publishing project or marketing campaign, and to make progress with a legal, academic, official or immigration matter. You can do much now to promote, market or ratify your ideas, getting that much needed stamp of approval. Meanwhile, you’ve started thinking much more deeply about what makes you happy - whether that is love, children or a creative project. You’re ready to radically transform your life from the ground up - from your home and family setup, to your property or country of residence - and overhaul of your entire life’s physical and psychological underpinnings. This is only the beginning.

Sagittarius April Horoscope

Love is all that’s on your mind, dear Sagittarius, and right now, love hurts! Long overdue pain around finding happiness in your own authentic, unique and pioneering way are now coming to the surface to be felt, healed and released. Whether it is a romantic matter or creative project that’s got your heart in a vice, it’s time to express yourself freely and authentically, share your heart with your peers and see who your true friends are. The Full Moon of April 6th allows you to reflect your heart’s desires on your friends and social circle and find connection. Your love life and creativity are about to enter a whole new phase of development over the next couple of years. If you have children, your relationship to them is also about to change dramatically.

The Total Eclipse of April 20th could remove obstacles from your path to happiness, bringing a kind of rejuvenation. It’s a fresh start with matters very close to your heart, a ‘last chance’ for your love life and creativity to blossom that will benefit you for many years to come. From April 21st, you’ll be deeply involved with the nitty gritty of your endeavours, adjusting the budget or re-evaluating which aspects are worth keeping and which you can discard. If a work project experiences delays - or if an old health concern flares up - take the time to tweak and adjust your approach.

After nearly seven months of a hectic relationship atmosphere, get ready for a much more pleasant interface from the 11th onwards. This is a time of togetherness and pleasure on the relationship front. Meanwhile, your expenses may be rising due to an ambitious project, urging you to look for the best way to share your financial burdens and resources with others. Money may be a source of strife now so do your best to clarify whose job it is to pay for what. This is a good time to push for a sponsorship or bonus or take an initiative to sort out taxes and debts. You’re starting to set your life on a new foundation and it’s still early days. This will involve deciding where to live, reviewing family dynamics, as well as networking and establishing yourself in new neighbourhoods and trade routes. Powerful new ideas are taking shape in your mind. It’s early days and this is a period of adjustment when you realise change is needed.

Capricorn April Horoscope

Your entire orientation to life is about to change, dear Capricorn, and it all starts with your home situation where a sense of ongoing hurt and pain is now highlighted and magnified. On April 6th all that pain is distilled into a single question: where am I headed in life? The Full Moon shines a light on your career or public office, your role in the world and your responsibilities. How are those informed by your base, both physical and psychological? It’s time to take charge. Within two weeks, at the Total Eclipse of April 20th, a new chapter begins around property, home and family. Things may have been limping along for quite a while but something now shifts, clearing the way for changes in the next six months - a fresh start on the home front.

You’ll also be glad to know that after seven months of a hectic work schedule - with health issues flaring up, work going crazy or things breaking down and needing repair - you can finally look forward to enjoying your day to day life much more. From April 11th, Venus allows you to indulge in life’s simple pleasures, perhaps even bringing pleasant lifestyle changes or an enjoyable work project your way. Mercury retrograde from the 21st might allow you to return to a creative endeavour or revisit your relationship with a romantic partner or your children. This is your chance to sort through the contents of your heart all the way til May 15th. With Mars in your opposite sign right now, most of your energy is likely taken up by what others are up to. Let them lead the way and energise you! Just respond - either by collaborating (and you can achieve a lot by doing so now) or competing (and may the best person win).

You’ve recently come to a realisation that your financial situation needs to fundamentally change and you’re still adjusting to these thoughts. It’s early days so let them simmer for now. Your ruler, Saturn, has just changed signs and you’re entering a new phase in your thinking. Your ideas are maturing. Examine things calmly and rationally and don’t allow negativity to enter your mind. After seven years of withdrawing from the world, you’re ready to tentatively start asserting yourself in your environment once more. Approaching things like a student or trainee is your best course of action.

Aquarius April Horoscope

You’ve been lost to the world, dear Aquarius, but you’re about to make a powerful comeback. It won’t be all sweet scents and roses but you’ll enjoy this great learning curve you’re about to embark on, expanding your ideas and activities whilst also writing and speaking your mind much more forcefully. A marketing, publishing or international project comes to a head on April 6th, allowing your authentic voice to be heard. Ongoing hurt and pain with a sibling, colleague or neighbour (or with a writing project or deal) now culminates, revealing the bigger picture. You cannot keep your mouth shut. It’s important to express yourself freely and test the impact of your ideas on the wider world. The Total Eclipse of April 20th brings more powerful changes in your immediate environment, opening a portal for you to travel, speak, network and establish your ideas more dynamically over the next couple of years.

Home and family projects require a rethink from April 21st to May 15th, when you’ll be busy rearranging your home, renegotiating property deal or sorting out family relationships. Take the time to reevaluate your base and what makes you feel secure, as this will act as a springboard for worldly achievements. When it comes to love and romance, after a rocky start things begin looking up after April 11th. After seven hectic months on the love front, or with a child or creative project, you can finally begin to enjoy yourself much more. Do not underestimate your appeal now.

You’re very busy this month and all the way to May 20th, whether it is at work, in training, making repairs or preparing yourself for some future encounter. Deeper down, you’re aware that huge changes are on the horizon. Your entire sense of who you are is about to be radically transformed and that may unnerve you, especially as you can also feel greater financial responsibilities building up that will continue to shape your identity in the years to come.

Pisces April Horoscope

Finances is where it’s at, dear Pisces, with ongoing financial pain and self-doubt culminating in poignant realisations this April. You can only love others to the extent that you love yourself; and you can only share with others that which you feel you possess. Ongoing hurt and pain around money and resources - and most of all around your sense of self worth - could bring a crisis, impressing upon you a need for change. Being graceful with others and open to change and to sharing your gifts and burdens is the key to recognising your authenticity and your unique talents and assets. The Total Eclipse of April 20th brings yet more last minute, manic financial developments, opening a portal for you to take concrete steps to improve your financial situation, sort through stuff and boost your self confidence.

You may retake a trip after April 21st. Double-check all documents, communications and travel arrangements with Mercury retrograde from April 21st to May 15th when delays and misunderstandings are possible. This is a good time to review written work, revisit a contract or review your relationship with a sibling, colleague or neighbour. You’ll be glad to know that after seven months of stress, your home situation is about to improve considerably from the 11th onward. Use that time to come together with family, or to decorate or put the finishing touches on a home renovation project. Your energy and sex appeal is high with Mars in perfect harmony to your sign until May 20th. Use these positive currents to enjoy life, love and romance, express your creativity and promote everything you love and care about. Have some fun!

Of course, Saturn is now firmly in your sign and your sense of fun may be somewhat tempered. Your responsibilities are mounting and that’s a trend that’s only just beginning, wrapping you in a maturing cocoon of transformation. It’s time to hunker down and build something in your life. A long overdue spiritual rebirth has also just begun, allowing you to tap into powerful collective currents and utilising your creativity. Big stuff so give yourself time to adjust this month.

Image by Joe Ting from Unsplash

Article by YourAstroGenes


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