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August 2024 Astrology: Growing Pains

Writer's picture: YourAstroGenesYourAstroGenes

Jupiter square Saturn brings growing pains while Mercury retrograde demands quiet contemplation. But a dramatic Leo New Moon and shocking Aquarius SuperMoon have other plans!

A lit match standing and an unlit match approaching
Image by Devin Avery from Unsplash
Growing pains are a big theme this month, with a key 2024 aspect, the Jupiter-Saturn square that will take us all the way to June 2025. Passions run high with Mars square Venus, right on top of the most crucial issues affecting our times, making us hot headed and causing great volatility. Bring it on!

Rocky as these events are, this month is meant to put us in a contemplative mood. Mercury retrograde instructs us to take a moment to review and analyse the facts before we react blindly, as well as teaching us to drop into the heart for answers. We are now at the starting point of a chain of events that will leave our world transformed by 2025. With a thoughtful Leo New Moon on the 4th and a galvanising Aquarius Full SuperMoon on the 19th, August has much to teach us - let’s see what’s in store…

AUGUST 2024 Big Picture

Before we get into the August nitty gritty let's look at the bigger picture that's unfolding from this point and into 2025-26.

The Quickening: Uranus-Neptune-Pluto

We have a futuristic configuration slowly building as we enter August, a small grand trine between Pluto, Neptune and Uranus that won’t perfect until 2025-26.

This is the unravelling of the old cloth out of which our societies have been built for a very long time now, the slow and inexorable dismantling of old systems, ideas and ideals amidst a great awakening and quickening of consciousness.

This will be felt even more strongly once all three planets harmonise in dynamic air and fire signs in 2025-26, coinciding with the all important Neptune-Saturn conjunction in early Aries of 2025-26 that will seed a whole new socio-ideological order, transplanting that of the late 80s and the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Critical Mass: Neptune and Pluto at Critical Degrees

Neptune is at the critical dregs of Pisces since May, where he will be on and off until 2026, dissolving reality, thinning the veil between fact and fiction, and revealing ever growing levels of surreality in our experience. With Pluto also occupying critical degrees since 2023 (and into 2025), we may feel a real sense of urgency now on all fronts, as our credulity is stretched to the limit, at the same time as we scramble for survival between the past and the future.

There is a strong sense of excess and ludicrousness now, of things unravelling, of more and more absurd stories being told to engage an audience that can no longer suspend disbelief.

With Pluto at the critical 0 Aquarius degree - the degree of the Great Conjunction of 2020 that also marked the herald of a new era - the world is glitching, still naive as to the true extent to which new technologies are capable of upending our lives. This is also the degree that birthed a new consciousness, awakening us to the need for greater freedom as part of a wider human community, and to the true power of the human spirit. Come September 2nd, Pluto leaves Aquarius and re-enters the critical 29th Capricorn degree for one last time until 19 November 2024. That’s when we’ll experience one last flare up of the old world order, before an already rotten and excessively top-heavy structure collapses under its own weight.

This makes August all the more important as a time to pay attention, gather our strength and absorb the necessary life force from the sun so we can prepare for the eventful coming months.

Growth Spurts: Jupiter-Saturn Opening Square

The most important event in August is the opening square between Jupiter and Saturn, which perfects August 19th - an influence that will take us all the way to June 2025. This is the testing point of the seeds that were planted at the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius in December 2020. The Jupiter-Saturn cycle is a 20-year socio-economic cycle, a play between the forces of expansion and contraction. The December 2020 conjunction however also seeded a much bigger cycle lasting for the next 200 years, taking us away from the industrial age and fully entering the age of information - from materialism to mentalism.

The opening square of Jupiter and Saturn now tests the new socio economic seeds that were planted in the dead of night at the end of 2020, against the Dragon of Reality.

It’s time for us too to venture out and test our limits, a time to grow with all the growing pains that go along with it. Stop-starts could be common now as we are called to act to make the most of opportunities arising, whilst also confronting constant challenges. These obstacles are here to teach us important lessons about how to go about building a sense of community, demanding greater freedom and equality, and expressing and implementing our ideals, as well as lessons about the role of technology in our lives, without losing our spiritual centre. Mistakes now teach strategy, a more cautious yet sustained effort, helping us recognise those goals that are worth the effort and those methods that get results. Repeated effort is often a hallmark of Jupiter-Saturn.

The key with this aspect is to be bold enough to take a leap, yet humble enough to learn from one’s mistakes. 

With Jupiter currently in Gemini, the urge is for free exchange on all levels - speech, trade, travel - so that everyone can have a real chance at life and development. With Saturn in Pisces, we are struggling against the drag factor of social and governmental structures that are spiritually bereft and morally hypocritical. The slogan “the government is here to help” perfectly captures the worst and most controlling aspects of Saturn in Pisces. And yet, Saturn in Pisces has an important spiritual lesson to teach, namely that no growth is possible without true compassion, wisdom and unity among humankind. Learning to communicate and connect freely while retaining a strong spiritual core is what is at stake starting this month and until Summer 2025. The Jupiter-Saturn square first perfects this month on August 19th, then again on December 24th, and finally (in different signs) on June 15th 2025.

With the bigger picture behind us let’s look at the astro-events this month.


August starts with considerable excitement and upheaval.

Venus squares Uranus and Mars harmonises with the Lunar Nodes on the 2nd, energising the aggressive instincts and creating an erratic atmosphere for finances and affections. With Mercury stationary retrograde by the 5th, early August is unstable and exhausting, with much commotion and many moving parts. It is in this climate that we get this month’s Leo New Moon.

August 4th Leo New Moon: Rocked Out Of Complacency…

The August New Moon arrives at 11:13 UT in Leo (at 12:34 degrees) in rah-rah buzzing harmony to Jupiter, Mars and the Lunar Nodes. There is a dramatic, galvanising energy to this new Moon, an opportunity to let off righteous steam (Mars-Jupiter) that has a magnetic or irresistible pull to it. But there is also some protection right there, thanks to Jupiter, an umbrella or canopy under which we can take cover for a moment amid the madness and contemplate the bigger picture. And this is what we are now called to do, the danger being acting unthinkingly and taking the easy way out.

The challenge is to take some quiet time for contemplation, step back from all the madness and connect with the heart so we can take the right steps.

The Sabian Symbol for this lunation is “an old sea captain rocking himself on the porch of his cottage” symbolising a time of quiet recollection. This is a good time to take a moment to think, make sense of the past with all its dangers and adventures, and align head and heart to better steer this crazy ship toward the future. There is a sense of things out there being on a knife-edge now, as we struggle to find meaning and see the way forward. It’s important to collect our thoughts and aim to distill our experience so we can act with leadership from this point forward rather than just react to events.

A New Moon is always a time to be quiet and sense what new manifestations are asking to be born. It’s also a time to set a fresh intention or take a creative initiative. With a Leo New Moon, it’s time to plant seeds of the heart that we want to see grow and flourish over the next six months.

With Jupiter and Mars in sextile, there is real opportunity for expansion and initiative now. Leo is all about personal leadership and the courage to shine our light and express our creative life-force.

Venus at the final and critical degree of Leo emphasises the urgency of personal integrity and living by our heartfelt values. With Mercury practically stationary too, the mind is activated and perfectly poised at this New Moon to carry out a much-needed review.

August 5th Mercury Retrograde, Venus in Virgo: Nitty Gritty

On August 5th Mercury turns retrograde, beginning August’s journey of recollection and analysis that will spark off new ideas from around the 19th.

Venus enters Virgo at the same time, on the 5th and the twain shall meet in Virgo on the 8th.  This is a lovely crossing - when head and heart march in step, when words please and relationships flow - a peace-keeping force. This is the graceful intertwining of language and relationship that forms the bedrock of any civilised culture.

One day earlier, on the 7th, the lovely promise of the August New Moon delivers a boon in the form of the Sun sextile Jupiter, a serendipitous moment of luck and protection. The 7th and 8th could potentially be good, buoyant days. All that bearing in mind that Jupiter lies in semisquare to Pluto, the dwarf planet that opens the door to the underworld, (or the can of worms), urging us to become aware of all sorts of hidden and unsavoury things. This is a call to strenghten the heart and stay positive, open and informed, whatever threats may lurk in the shadows.

Mercury retrograde will stay in Virgo until mid-August and Venus in Virgo until the end of the month.

These ten days August 5-15 with Mercury and Venus both in Virgo are great for exercising our powers of analysis, learning discernment and tying up loose ends in anticipation of new developments.

This is especially so as we head into the second half of August and what looks to be a rather intense final stretch for 2024.  While Mercury retrograde enters Leo mid-August, he won’t turn direct until August 28th.

See how these events affect you in your August horoscope!


August 12th-20th is a most eventful period, as the Jupiter-Saturn square goes live augmented by a hot-headed Mars square Venus, Mercury retrograde slips back into Leo and meets the Sun - and all right on top of a firecracker of an Aquarius Full Moon Supermoon!

August 15th Mercury Retrograde in Leo: Big Picture Review

As we approach the middle of August things start heating up again. Mercury Retrograde enters Leo on the 15th, where he will stay until September 9th.

Mercury retrograde in Leo is a time to take a more creative approach, to move from analysis to synthesis, to stop fiddling with the detail and start coming up with bigger and more dramatic solutions. Time to re-think big!

A solar trine to Chiron now brings questions of leadership to bear on any ongoing pain or injury that’s bubbled up since July and is still gaping raw.

August 14th-16th: Mars meets Jupiter-Saturn: Pace Yourself

Mars conjuncts Jupiter and squares Saturn 14th-16th, activating the Jupiter-Saturn square with a potentially sharp and painful growth spurt.

There is immense energy and stamina in this aspect, a combination of bold and brazen initiatives coupled with cold, cruel strategy and military discipline. This highly energising aspect can lend the courage, faith and stamina to face the toughest challenges.

Expect some rain on that parade, a cold shower to dampen those fiery spirits. But it's all in a day's work, as they say... These are the growth spurts teaching us to pace ourselves.

August 18th-19th Jupiter, Saturn and Venus Clash: Learning Compromise

By the 19th the Jupiter-Saturn square that will last for the next ten months perfects for the first time. Right at that moment we find Venus in Virgo caught up in it all, as she opposes Saturn and squares Jupiter, approaching a square to Mars.

This brings the entire struggle for expansion, freedom and free exchange to bear on our values, relationships and finances.

Venus imbues the whole shebang with an insatiable desire for something better, yet also emphasises a sense of lack, restriction and rejection that goes along with it all. Despondency is not the answer. The desire is true but some compromise may be needed. Potent themes are being constellated here, giving us something concrete to grapple with that will take us forward for the next 6-10 months.

August 19th Aquarius Full SuperMoon and Mercury Conjunct Sun in Leo: Global Upheaval Plants Radical New Ideas

The August Full Moon falls on the 19th at 27:15 degrees of Aquarius at 18:25 UT, and it is closely square Uranus - a shocking, disruptive or futuristic moment! All this on the very date that the Jupiter-Saturn square kicks into gear, accentuated by Venus. This is also the date that Mercury retrograde meets the Sun in Leo for his inferior conjunction - the start of a whole new Mercury cycle - planting radical new ideas in our hearts and minds.

This is a time of many changes, shocking revelations and global upheaval.

This Aquarius Full Moon opposes Mercury and the Sun and squares Uranus - a truly unpredictable and future-oriented combo.

It’s time to break free from thought patterns of the past and try something new! External events now reach a point of liberating and shocking culmination demanding change. Look to things you may have started back in February to see where surprises may come and changes may be necessary.

It’s time to peer into the future and stay open to innovative or even seemingly bizarre solutions. Expect the unexpected!

The Sabian Symbol for this Aquarius Full Moon is “a tree felled and sawed to ensure a supply of wood for the winter”, emphasising this idea of foresight and preparation - this whole future-oriented theme. Watch closely what happens at this time. All the chess-pieces are currently being put into place for what is to come, and some placements could come as a surprise.

Both rulers of this Aquarius Full Moon are strongly activated by powerful squares, a most galvanising aspect to action: Uranus in Taurus squares the Sun, Moon and Mercury, breaking old thinking paradigms and planting revolutionary new ideas. Saturn in Pisces squares Jupiter in Gemini, spurred on by passionate Mars and Venus. 

This is a time of erratic growth spurts and actions, breaking us out of old straitjackets and demanding courage and discipline.

There is a scattering of energies, the mind is expanding to be able to handle multiple viewpoints without attachment, even while we recognise a sense of universal unity and use this as a strong spiritual base from which to venture forward.

The Sun-Mercury Inferior Conjunction that coincides with this Full Moon is giving rise to new ways of thinking that will take a couple of months to come to first bloom (October this year should make a few things quite clear). But we won’t truly see the fruits of the ideas being born right now until the Summer of 2027.

No matter what’s going on out there, this is a time to listen closely and not make major decisions, to stay flexible and open, and to take a precious moment to tune into the heart - our very own truth-sensor - before we decide where it is best to invest our energies for long term results.

See where the Full Moon chips fall in your August horoscope!


Virgo season arrives August 22nd - happy Birthday Virgo! - with Virgo’s ruler, Mercury going direct only a week later, on August 28th. The last ten days of August are thus dominated by Mercurial energies, with passions flaring due to Mars square Venus across Mercury’s signs, and the Sun and Mercury in mutual reception (in each other’s signs) fuelling the mind. Time to tap into our own creative voice, our own authority, to speak expertly but from the heart.

August 23-24th Mars square Venus: Passions Flare

The Sun enters Virgo on August 22nd and a day later, on the 23rd, Mars in Gemini and Venus in Virgo perfect their square.

Mars and Venus bring new levels of hot-headed passion to the bigger financial and political game, as well as to any important personal endeavours that may currently take up our time and energy.

These days can be quite sharp in word and deed with oodles of saucy emotion sprinkled all over everything, potentially clouding judgment, yet also bringing creative flair to everything we do.

By the 23rd-24th, Mars, Mercury and Chiron enter a fruitful conversation, a mini-grand-trine, which offers an opportunity to mobilise pain and anger constructively, ideally using words and communication.

This is an opportunity for dialogue, perhaps, to speak up about feeling hurt, ignored or disenfranchised and to motivate more fruitful action.

August 27th-29th Mercury Direct, Venus in Libra: Shifting Goalposts

Venus is next to take the lead a few days later, by August 27th, activating the mini-grand-trine between Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - the futuristic combo that’s re-shaping our world. Venus trines Uranus on the 27th, opposes Neptune on the 28th and trines Pluto on the 29th.

This period should represent a clear reflection of our changing values, and of how a huge sense of disappointment and disillusionment is now fuelling a desire for revolution and transformation.

Just at that moment, Mercury stations direct at 21:13 UT on August 28th at 21:24 Leo, where he’ll stay until September 9th. He won’t leave his retrograde shadow until around September 11th.

The next couple of weeks (August 28th to September 9th) are a time to slowly start piecing together the bigger picture - a very new bigger picture indeed, especially surrounding matters of leadership - and to start formulating a new creative vision.

Give yourself time for the whole thing to settle and sink in to see how it resonates at the heart level before getting into the nitty gritty of it all - the time for that will be when Mercury enters Virgo from September 9th.  Expect yet more fruitful revelations between September 7th-11th.

A day later, on the 29th, Venus enters Libra, where she'll stay until September 23rd, smoothing the wheels of relationship. Upon entering Libra Venus immediately trines Pluto in Aquarius, who’s also getting ready to re-enter Capricorn for one last time on September 2nd.

With so many shifting sands, the key is to stay flexible and alert, getting a broad sense of the new lay of the land before moving forward, as lots of nitty gritty information is yet to fall into place.

With Uranus also about to station retrograde on September 1st, the transition from August to September will signify a definite change of pace. This makes it all the more important that we take time this month to connect to our core and review our next steps.

August 2024 Horoscope for the 12 Zodiac Signs

Lion in savanna profile
Image by Amar Yashlaha from Unsplash

Time to slice up that great big pie in the sky. Twelve traditional slices make for the twelve zodiac signs and you can check your sun sign and rising sign for the greatest hits, and your moon sign for the background chorus… Check out how Mercury Retrograde, the Leo New Moon and Aquarius Full SuperMoon, as well as Jupiter-square-Saturn chime into your world from a number of perspectives.


August is your fun month, dear Aries, when you can let loose and enjoy yourself a little. The Leo New Moon provides an excellent opportunity to make your personal happiness a priority, whether it is through love and romance, engaging in your favourite pastimes, getting a creative endeavour off the ground or spending time with your kids, you’re planting the seeds of personal fultilment. With Mercury retrograde, you’re also reconsidering your work and overall lifestyle as August begins, something that will lead you to think more deeply about what happiness looks like, especially after the 15th.

The Aquarius Full Moon brings a dramatic culmination in your social circles - whether with a group project, friendship or cause - leading to potentially sudden changes in your values, priorities and finances. This is also the time when new creative ideas are planted that won’t reach full bloom until 2027.

Jupiter-Saturn: This is also the month when you’re embarking on a quest for greater connectivity with your environment that will take you into mid-2025. You may be struggling with the urge to speak, network and move around your freely, you may be wanting to write, study, connect with people or expand your trade, whilst at the same time feeling thwarted and sabotaged by mysterious factors you don’t quite understand.  On a deeper level, you’re being called to tackle your own demons and blind spots through dialogue, inquisitiveness, networking and information gathering. Your mind is hugely energised now, even as people around you drive you to distraction. The middle and second half of August brings some heated exchanges, somewhat frustrating your desire for a pleasant routine or smooth working environment.


August is a month when you touch base with yourself, dear Taurus, and the Leo New Moon provides an opportunity to tend to your foundations, whether it is tackling house repairs, spending time with your family, helping your parents, visiting your roots, dealing with the land or real estate, recharging your batteries and doing whatever makes you feel secure. With Mercury retrograde, you’re also reconsidering what truly makes you happy as August begins, something that will lead you to dig beneath the surface to tidy up loose ends and find answers, especially after the 15th.

The Aquarius Full Moon brings a dramatic culmination in your career leading to potentially radical changes to your own self perception and identity. This is also the time when new ideas are planted as to who you are at root, where your home is and what property, home and family really mean for you that won’t reach full bloom until 2027.

Jupiter-Saturn: This is also the month when you’re embarking on a quest for abundance that will take you into mid-2025. You may be struggling with the urge to flex your money muscles, test your earning strength or enjoy a bit of luxury now whilst at the same time feeling a sense of responsibility or obligation to your community.  On another level, you’re being called to test your hopes and dreams by learning to use your talents and build self-confidence. Your ability to earn is energised now, even as expenses may rise. Mid-month and the second half of August brings some heated financial themes, somewhat frustrating your desire to be creative or enjoy life.


August is a highly sociable and mentally energising month for you, dear Gemini, and the Leo New Moon plants new ideas in your mind, providing an opportunity to connect with people, trade, network and data-gather. With your ruler Mercury retrograde, you’re also reconsidering your home and family set-up as August begins, something that will lead you to also review your environment in terms of people you regularly associate with, media you watch, ideas you entertain, and places you frequent, especially after the 15th.

The Aquarius Full Moon is your cue to spread your wings, have your voice heard and even become notorious. If you’re involved in media, education, foreign affairs, publishing or broadcasting, this could be a highly revealing moment. Equally, you may decide to go on holiday at a moment’s notice with the change of scenery bringing unexpected spiritual renewal. This is the birth-point of new ways of thinking and connecting with your environment that won’t reach full bloom until 2027.

Jupiter-Saturn: With Mars and Jupiter in your sign all month long there is literally nothing you cannot achieve, so long as you take your role and responsibilities seriously. You’re embarking on an adventure of great personal growth, learning and expansion right now that will take you into mid-2025. You may be struggling with the urge to expand your operations, reach for your goals and pursue all your desires, whilst at the same time needing to act responsibly and respect those in charge in order to build your career step by step.  On another level, you’re being called to a brand new adventure where you test your own maturing goals by taking calculated risks. This is your time and luck is on your side, even if it feels frustrating at times. Trust what luck brings! Mid-to-end August puts you in your stride, in charge or in an elevated position, even if your home life will require compromises.


August is a big financial month for you, dear Cancer - more than this, a time when you double down on your own talents and resources and build your strength. The Leo New Moon is your cue to focus on what you’re good at, plant the right seeds for your own financial betterment and increased self worth, and see them grow. With Mercury retrograde, you’re also reviewing all kinds of paperwork, contracts, communications or other written material, as well as revisiting conversations and reconnecting with people in your network, as August begins. This process will lead you to review your finances, energy usage and where your strengths lie, especially after the 15th.

Financial themes continue with the Aquarius Full Moon shining a light on joint resources, banking and investments. Things could take unexpected turns, leading to financial surprises, as well as sudden events in your social circle, friendships, or a group project. Amid the madness, new moneymaking ideas are being planted in your mind right now that won’t reach full bloom until 2027.

Jupiter-Saturn: August also marks the start of a great adventure, a quest for spiritual growth and hidden knowledge that will take you into mid-2025. You’ve a guardian angel watching over you these days and you may be struggling with the urge to disconnect from the hustle and bustle so you can spend more time basking in this angelic light, whilst at the same time struggling to honour responsibilities to do with international business, education, publishing, or legal or religious matters. On a deeper level, you’re searching for meaning and are being called to test your maturing vision by learning to use your intuition and to make time alone to nutrute your spirit. Your imagination is highly energised right now, even as there are also things to distract you. Hidden enemies, subconscious demons, suppressed urges and other derailing mechanisms could surface mid-August, frustrating your attempts to communicating graciously.


August is your month, dear Leo, when you can call the shots, pursue your goals, and just be yourself and shine. The Leo New Moon is all yours - it's your cue to put yourself first and set everything you want to achieve over the coming year into motion. With Mercury retrograde, you’re reviewing your financial situation and how you employ your money, energy and resources in general as August begins, something that will lead you to rethink who you are and what you want out of life after the 15th.

Just as you’re focused on your own needs this month, the Aquarius Full Moon brings a dramatic culmination in your relationships, rocking your sense of direction, career, public image and role in the world. It is at that moment that new ideas are planted in your mind as to who you are and what you want out of life that won’t reach full bloom until 2027.

Jupiter-Saturn: This is also the month when you’re embarking on a quest to fulfil your dreams that will take you into mid-2025. You may be struggling with the urge to socialise more, expand your network and engage with your friends and community in a more meaningful way, whilst at the same time facing intimate relationship difficulties, honouring a promise of trust or dealing with joint financial intricacies. On another level, you’re being called to test your bonds, trustworthiness or joint financial goals on a wider social arena. Your social circle is energised now, even as arguments may also erupt. Mid-to-end August brings a heated and hyperactive social milieu, clashing with your desire for simple pleasures and financial ease.


August tends to be a private month for you dear Virgo and the Leo New Moon provides the chance for you to drop beneath the radar and recharge your batteries, to delve into secrets and mysteries, work with your own subconscious mind, get creative or enjoy and explore hidden aspects of your life.  With your ruler Mercury retrograde as August begins, you’re also reconsidering who you are and what you want out of life, something that will lead you to dig beneath the surface in your subconscious mind and in all hidden, demonised or suppressed aspects of your life to find answers, especially after the 15th.

The Aquarius Full Moon brings a culmination in work, health and lifestyle matters, with potential breakthroughs in publishing, education, legal matters, travel or other expansive endeavours, as well as disruptions that lead you to reconsider your outlook on life. New seeds of inspiration and insight are being planted in the back of your mind unveiling secrets that won’t come to full bloom until 2027.

Jupiter-Saturn: Even while you’re laying low, August is a month when you’re embarking on a quest for career expansion and greater responsibility that will take you into mid-2025. You may be struggling with the urge to aim higher, have a greater presence in the world, to do more and be more in your career or role in life. But you may feel held back by others, be it your relationships, burdensome contracts and agreements or even a fear of rejection. On another level, you’re being called to test your ability to bridge the gap between you and others by learning to use your own authority and leadership. Your career goals are energised right now and you may feel motivated to carry out your duty, even as your responsibilities are multiplying. Mid-to end-August lends you much energy to achieve your goals. Your charm is strong with Venus in your sign but there is no circumventing the demands of certain relationships or agreements.


August is a highly sociable month, dear Libra, with the Leo New Moon helping you strengthen friendships and build allegiances, providing opportunities for new connections and igniting new hopes and dreams for the future. Mercury retrograde sends you on an inner journey as August begins, so you can tackle sabotaging behaviours, unearth secrets and let go of the past. This will lead you to also reconsider who’s got your back and what your aspire to after the 15th.

The Aquarius Full Moon is a highly creative and romantic moment for you, bringing a creative project, love affair or other labour of love to culmination. This could lead to a sudden cutting of ties, or to radical changes in whom you trust, who you’re intimate with, or to your finances. You’re planting fresh seeds in your friendships and social community at the same time, new ideals to strive towards that won’t reach full bloom until 2027.

Jupiter-Saturn: This month you’re also embarking on a quest for expansion and greater reach with your work that will take you into mid-2025. You may be struggling with the urge to spread your message, legitimise what you do or expand your operations abroad, whilst at the same time trying to solidify your skills or establish a good discipline, lifestyle or daily routine. On another level, you’re being called to test your skills on a wider arena via publishing, education, or travel, by venturing into unfamiliar territory. Your adventurous spirit is energised now, even as the search for answers might lead you to distraction. Mid-to end-August could bring legal or philosophical battles or perhaps foreign adventures, frustrating a need for privacy.


August always energises your career, dear Scorpio, and the Leo New Moon is your chance to become conscious of your overall life direction and consciously set new goals. With Mercury retrograde, you’re also reconsidering your ideals and aspirations as August begins, as well as your friendships, allies and community and perhaps rethinking your role in a group project. These ruminations will eventually lead you to reconsider your career, responsibilities or public image past August 15th, paving the way for a potential course correction.

The Aquarius Full Moon brings a dramatic culmination around property, home and family matters, potentially leading to sudden changes in a relationships or agreements. This is also the time when new ideas are planted in the professional arena, your role in the world, that won’t reach full bloom until 2027.

Jupiter-Saturn: August also marks the beginning of a financial quest for speculative profit - or perhaps a romantic quest for intimacy - that will take you all the way into mid-2025. Both the romantic and financial pathways are options here. You may want to grow financially, pay off debt or taxes, secure a line of credit for a project or sort out a division of property, whilst at the same time having very title to play with. Or you may have the urge to open up and experience trust and closeness in love, whilst struggling to know your heart. On another level, you’re being called to test your risk-taking ability by learning trust. Intimate involvements are energised right now, whether romantic or financial, even as you’re pulled in different directions. Mid-to end-August could heat up financially, or romantically, and it may be hard to please everyone.


August is the time of your great escape, dear Sagittarius, whether it’s travel, going on holiday, or expanding your world in some other way, adventure calls. The Leo New Moon is your chance to raise your nose from the grindstone and contemplate the bigger picture. Time to reconnect with your why. Mercury retrograde urges you to reconsider your career, public responsibilities and overall life direction as August begins, something that will lead to yet more philosophising after August 15th. This month is a good time to spread your wings, change scenery and refresh your spirit.

The Aquarius Full Moon brings a hectic time communications-wise - a culmination of a contract, writing or media project, or matters relating to transport, siblings, neighbours and other moving parts of your immediate environment. Potential disruptions in your day to day operations could signal the need for bigger lifestyle changes, work or health-wise . This is also the time when the seeds for new adventures are planted, ideas of travel or expansion that won’t reach full bloom until 2027.

Jupiter-Saturn: You’re now embarking on a quest for partnership that will take you into mid-2025. You may be struggling with the urge to improve your relationship (or find one) whilst dealing with a restrictive situation at home, relating to property or with your family. Or you may be seeking a good professional partnership or to expand your client list whilst struggling for premises. On a deeper level, you’re being called to test how secure your foundations are and to test self-reliance against the opportunities that others can now bring into your life. Your relationships are highly energised now, and this could even lead to arguments. Mid-to end-August brings heated exchanges, somewhat challenging your ability to handle things gracefully.


Everything gets up close and personal for you in August, dear Capricorn. You may be dealing with close relationships and joint finances both with the Leo New Moon providing an opportunity to strengthen those bonds that sustain you, boost trust and energise the merging of resources. Mercury retrograde puts you in a philosophical mood as August begins. You may be considering whether to take a holiday, studying or thinking about the moral, legal or religious implications of a course of action. These ruminations lead you to delve deeper into whatever you’re researching to uncover secrets, as well as into your own psychology and that of the people around you after August 15th.

The Aquarius Full Moon brings a dramatic culmination in your finances and sense of self worth, opening new pathways for fun and joy around love and romance, a hobby, child or creative project. New notions of closeness, trust and intimacy are now planted, new ideas of how to best merge your energy with others or embark on joint financial endeavours - new ideas that won’t reach full bloom until 2027.

Jupiter-Saturn: You’re on a quest to combine knowledge and technical skill to improve your work and overall lifestyle, and August puts you on a rather steep learning curve that will take you into mid-2025. You feel the urge to improve your day to day life, whether it is your work, health or certain habits, whilst you may feel restricted in your movements and reach, still working to establish yourself in your environment, still learning the ropes. On a deeper level, you’re being called to put your knowledge into practice, to test what you’ve learned to problem-solve. It’s not business as usual. Your day to day routine is ramped up a few notches and you’re asked to raise your game - whether due to increased work or to improve your health. Exercise would be good for you now and mid-to end-August brings much activity, even if you’d rather have a more relaxing holiday than that.


The Sun is as far away from your sign as can be in August, dear Aquarius, highlighting your relationships and how your are mirrored in them. The Leo New Moon provides an excellent opportunity to give all your relationships, partnerships and agreements a good energy boost and put your best foot forward. Mercury retrograde highlights more intimate matters as August begins, leading you to also reconsider where and in whom to put your trust, both in terms of romantic intimacy, as well as in financial partnership banking and the like. These considerations will lead you to rethink your position in certain relationships even more closely after August 15th.

The Full Moon is in Aquarius, your sign, bringing a dramatic culmination in all aspects of your life that affect how you see yourself, your sense of identity, and that matter personally to you. Events could be disruptive, especially around your home and family, or around real estate, but also liberating at core. This is also the time when new ideas are planted in your relating space - whether in your personal or business partnerships - that that won’t reach full bloom until 2027.

Jupiter-Saturn: You’re also embarking on a quest for romantic, creative and personal fulfilment this month that will take you into mid-2025. You may be full to the brim with creative or speculative ideas, ready to turn a hobby into something more. Or you may be ready for love or children or to enjoy life more. And all that holds you back may be limited financesm or a lack of confidence or low self worth. Well, you’re now called to test your values by learning to take calculated risks. Your lust for life, love and creativity is energised now, even as you may be pulled in many different directions. Things could heat up considerably mid-August all the way to the 25th, your drive for self-expression not easily upeased by what others have to offer.


August is a busy month for you, dear Pisces, when you usually have lots on your plate. The Leo New Moon is your cue to dot your i’s, cross your t’s and get your world back in order. At the same time, Mercury retrograde urges you to revisit an old relationship or rethink how you relate to others more generally as August begins. These journeys to the past will lead you to review your approach to all kinds of practical matters after the 15th.

The Aquarius Full Moon highlights matters hidden in plain sight. These are things that may be very obvious to others but a mystery to yourself. Secrets may come to light in a dramatic event behind the scenes, or some psychological culmination and sudden realisation. Sudden events affect how you relate to your environment - whether it’s siblings or peers - as well as potentially a media or writing project, freeing you to think differently about the situation. At the same time, ideas for a new work project or lifestyle are planted in your mind that won’t reach full bloom until 2027.

Jupiter-Saturn: These are not easy years for you, with Saturn in your sign teaching you some hard lessons about responsibility, maturity and going it alone. August is the month when you’re embarking on a quest of rapid personal growth that will take you into mid-2025. You may be eager to set up a good home, expand your base of operations or create security for yourself and your family. But at the same time, all the burdens seem to fall upon you to carry alone, a heavy load. But this is the making of you. You’re being called to test your own maturing personality by establishing an expanded base from which to grow, by understanding yourself more deeply, by investing in real estate, taking a leadership role in the family, creating a family of your own or breaking away from the fold, essentially by developing greater self reliance. Your home and family are greatly energised now, exciting but certainly not peaceful. Mid-to end-August brings much commotion and heated exchanges at home or with your family, frustrating your desire for peaceful relationship.

Article by YourAstroGenes


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