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March 2021 Horoscope For Every Star Sign

Writer's picture: YourAstroGenesYourAstroGenes

How does March's astro weather affect your zodiacal slice of the sky?

With every single planet direct, and Mars in Gemini going out of bounds, you can accomplish more in the next two months than you have for well over a year!

But where is all this energy available for you to use? How does the astrological weather of March 2021 affect your little corner of the sky? Here’s a slice by slice star sign horoscope for every part of the zodiacal pie. Check out the full lowdown of the March 2021 astrological weather too.

Check out your star sign! And if you know your birth chart, check out your Ascendant and Moon Sign too. Don’t worry if you don’t. Your star sign (or sun sign) talks about your most meaningful experience and goals, as it revolves around the Sun, the centre of your own personal solar system. Your Ascendant provides your perspective, a more localised description of how the astro weather affects you where you stand. And sometimes that is all you can see. As for the Moon sign, it’s less about your conscious goals and more about your emotional needs, your current lens of experience, what’s happening all around you. Read all three for yourself and see which best resonates with you - that alone can tell you which way you are focused!

(You can also read your Venus sign, Mars sign, Chart ruler sign and so forth till the cows come home but let’s let’s not get carried away. Go get your proper chart read by an astrologer if you’re gonna go to such lengths!)

And with that said, here’s your zodiac sign March 2021 horoscope!


Get ready to feel a rush of energy this month, dear Aries! Come the Spring Equinox, you’ll feel empowered and ready to move forward on all fronts. Your ruler Mars is hell-bent on charging you up like a turbo jet and giving you a taste of freedom. And even if everything is still shut, by Jove, you’ll speak up, get out there and connect with as many people as you can find. Mars in Gemini energises you to go places, virtually and physically too, even if that means driving around or running a few laps around the block. Take care as Mars-energy will be hard to control, especially after the 21st of March - and more so around the 24th-26th. It’s a liberating energy nonetheless, all the way to April 24th, when you can accomplish a lot.

Mid-March might find you in a retiring and (for)giving mood. The Pisces New Moon on March 13th turns you into a bit of daydreamer - something that’s normally not your style. That’s your cue to focus on your inner world and reenergise your spirit. Your intuition and imagination are sky high so this is a great time to get creative or keep a dream journal. And if you feel like doing an anonymous good deed or two, well you know the Universe always takes care of its own.

The last ten days of March are a whole other story, culminating with a powerful Full Moon on the 28th in your relationship zone. Something deeply personal, involving your partner too or others, is culminating around those days. And you may feel old hurts and vulerabilities coming to the surface. Only now does it become clear to you just how much has changed since last spring. Whatever it is that someone is doing, and however it may put you on the spot, it’s the key to self knowledge and self empowerment. And with Venus in your sign from March 21st, it’s time to focus on your good looks and all the things that make you happy.


Your ruling planet, Venus, is combust all month long, travelling very close to the Sun and you may get a little scorched. As normality slowly resumes all around you, it’s time to understand how much your life has changed in the past year, since the first lockdown came into effect. You’ll have the full picture by this month’s Full Moon on March 28th and it could unlock some deep insecurities and vulnerabilities within you. If so, the last ten days of March, from the Spring Equinox onwards, is an excellent time to do some inner processing - therapy, meditation, whatever it is you do to clear away those left over insecurities, hurts and resentments. Stay well hidden and work on something that really matters to you behind the scenes. The March 28th Full Moon also highlights your work, daily rituals and overall health - both physical and psychological. Time to restore balance and address anything that ails you.

Money, talents and resources are due for a major energy boost this month. Expenses could rise with Mars in your money house and more so once Springtime hits. But Mars also gives you the wherewithal to make more money and give your assets, finances and overall strength a major overhaul. It’s time to be bold and brave new ground. Watch out for extra stress around the 24th-26th of March.

Mid-month is the sweetest spot for you. With a bunch of planets in your community zone, get ready to feel a real sense of connection, support and camaraderie - especially around the New Moon in Pisces on the 13th. You may have to make a major decision around the 9th of March. But, soon, your senses are soothed, as the Sun and Venus meet Neptune on the 11th-14th, a most romantic time for you. Mid-March brings a fresh start with friends and in all your involvements with groups, clubs and your social circle. Time to make a glamorous impression and go after your dreams! Rallying the troops will make it that much easier to conquer the challenges that arise after the Spring Equinox.


It’s your turn to call the shots this month, dear Gemini! You’ve got everyone standing to attention and you can thank Mars in your sign for that. Your time has come and you can pretty much achieve anything you put your mind to for the next couple of months. Time to push ahead with all your plans and desires. And with your ruler, Mercury, direct at last, you’re truly firing on all cylinders. February has not been a smooth ride. But, by March 5th when Mercury meets Jupiter for the third and final time, your spirits are restored. Come the 12th, you can finally leave the past couple of months behind you for good and move forward with great dynamism. Things might get a bit OTT at times so take good care of yourself and the way you direct your energies - especially around March 24th-26th.

How glamorous do you feel? There’s a huge glamour factor at the top of your chart, imbuing your worldly image with mesmerising qualities! You’ve caught people’s imagination and, from March 13th, you’ll be able to touch everyone with your magic spell! March 11th-20th is the time to pull out all the stops to advance your most sublime life and career goals. It’s time to paint a whole new picture of yourself for the eyes of the world and you’re sure to do it with great imagination. Don’t be surprised if others project their own fantasies on you now. You’re fast becoming the perfect fantasy-hook! Milk it for all it’s got.

Come the Spring Equinox, your attention is on your friends, dreams and future aspirations. Relationship and financial decisions you took back in June are now bearing fruit, as are any seeds you planted in the love department. With Mars in your sign, you’re feeling free, untouchable and you’re not mincing your words. Still, some hurt involving friendships and how you fit in with others might come to the surface toward month’s end. It’s important to address that. The March 28th Full Moon is all about your own personal fulfilment involving creative projects, hobbies, love and children. Seeds you planted back in Autumn are now blooming making you realise just how much has changed.


With Mars crossing over the most hidden and private part of your chart, you’ll be busy behind the scenes this month. You’re not ready yet to reveal too much to others and rightly so. Take time to tune into your spirit, care for your health and tidy up loose ends until the end of April. With every single planet direct, March and April is the time to push ahead on all fronts. Come April 24th, you’ll be ready to come out in the open with everything you’re doing.

You are busy dreaming up new possibilities and expanding your horizons this month and the Pisces New Moon of March 13th seeds new and delightful visions in your mind’s eye. Dream big! Your own imagination is the only limit of what’s possible for you right now. You may receive some wonderful publicity mid-month or come up with an inspirational message that you want to share with the world. Use March 11th-20th to start getting noticed and putting your ideas out there. Distant shores are calling you this month too and, whether you can physicaly travel or not, any journeys you take - physical or mental - could inspire you for another six months to come.

The Spring Equinox puts you squarely in the public eye. It’s time to leave the realm of possibilities behind you and think carefully about where you are going. This whole question of your orientation to the world is a touchy subject. By the March 28th Full Moon, matters around property, your home-base and family come to a head, urging you to think more carefully about your overall life direction. Where does home lie? And how does that reflect on your public image? You may feel all exposed and vulnerable as you try to decide the best course of action for you, with the full realisation of how your values have changed since Spring last year. It’s time to take the first steps in the right direction and let the healing begin.


Tired of being all cooped up? Mars is in your socialising zone so, get ready to connect with people on a massive scale! How? Whether it’s via Zoom or WhatsApp, or simply walking around the bloc, you’re eager to put out feelers and enjoy quality time with friends. Mercury is direct and now is a good time to finalise any agreements or discussions with your partner - especially around March 5th. By March 12th, you’ll be ready to address more sensitive subjects and push full speed ahead together. Watch out for arguments and financial stress around the 24th-26th.

Romance is in the Spring air this month with a super-dreamy New Moon in Pisces on March 13th. Now’s the time to invigorate your sex life and plant the seeds of greater intimacy and closeness with your partner. It’s also a fresh start for your finances but those rose coloured glasses may not help you make the most realistic investment decisions. Whether it’s money or energy you’re investing, you’ll be drawn to all things magical and glamorous. You may receive kindness from others or feel particularly sensitive and giving yourself. Use the middle of March to bond more closely with someone special.

Are you under someone’s hypnotic spell? The Spring Equinox is sure to awake you from your reverie. Freedom is the name of the game from March 20th and you’re sure to experience more of it as Spring gets underway. Don’t be afraid to stick up for your beliefs this Spring and especially around the Libra Full Moon of March 28th. That’s when it fully hits you how much your world has been limited by all these recent lockdowns, how your neighbourhood has changed. And you’ll want to do something to rectify all that. It’s time to speak up, go places and connect with likeminded people so you can reach for your dreams.


Your ruler Mercury, is finally direct, dear Virgo, and you can begin feeling like yourself again. You’ve experienced a crescendo at the end of February, culminating in an important moment for you personally. Now, March 5th is a lucky day for you and, by March 12th, you’re ready to do things differently from here on in. Mars at the top of your chart is urging you to give your public image a total overhaul this Spring, as well as energising you to reach your goals. You’re heading into totally unfamiliar territory and it might feel almost too much at times. But you’re heading exactly where you’re meant to. A partner or public engagement may cause you some stress around 24th-26th March.

There’s great emphasis on your relationship zone all month and especially March 11th-20th. Mid-March is dripping with romance so make the most of the weekend of the 13th-14th. The Pisces New Moon of the 13th plants the most sublime fresh seeds in your relationship, ones you won’t see bloom till September. Others are mesmerising, acting as a mirror for all your longings and ideals this month and you won’t realise how enchanted you are until March 30th. You’re certainly seeing someone through rose coloured spectacles.

Spring arrives on March 20th - how about a major spring clean? Spring is a transformative time for you, traditionally, when you can muster up powerful energies to purge what you no longer need and make changes. And this year, you’re ready to take charge of your transformation. Finances are a sensitive subject and especially around March 26th-29th. That’s when it hits you just how vulnerable you feel, financially and physically speaking, and what you need to do to restore balance. The Libra Full Moon shines a spotlight on your own physical strength, your resources, abilities and talents and how you can make the most of what you’ve got by sharing it with others.


You’re in for a big fat Full Moon in your sign, dear Libra and all sorts of things are coming to a head this month. As normality begins to resume this spring, the birds are signing, all the planets are finally direct and all you care about is your freedom. You’re done being polite and pleasing others - especially as they can be a little uncouth sometimes. Mars goes rogue in your holiday zone this month and to heck with the rules. You’re in a conquering spirit and up for an adventure! Liberties you or others are taking could create stress and unpleasantness with work colleagues around the 24th-26th of March. Still, you can cover a lot of new and exciting ground this month.

Work is a hotbed of activity, much of it pleasant, especially around the Pisces New Moon of March 13th. You may feel especially sensitive and forgiving toward your colleagues these days and you can make a positive fresh start with coworkers and employees mid-month. This could also be the moment when you decide to take a more spiritual route toward your own health, daily routine and overall wellbeing, establishing a more emotionally fulfilling lifestyle. Inspiration flows and you’ll find many ways to insert dreamy little pleasures to your every day life.

Come Spring on March 20th, the focus shifts squarely on important others in your life. This could be your spouse or partner, a competitor or a client. A lot of your attention will go toward rejuvenating this important relationship and addressing any lingering hurts and insecurities. Everything comes to a head for you toward the end of the month, March 26th-29th with a highly focused Full Moon in your sign. This highlights crucial ways in which you may feel hurt by others and what you can do to begin restoring your relationships to balance. Something very important comes full circle as March ends, showing you exactly what it is that you personally desire. Time to heal past hurts and realise just how much has changed for you since last spring.


Your ruling planet, Mars goes rogue this month and so might you. You’re flexing your muscles for something big and exuding raw sexual magnetism - more than usual even. It may be a major business deal, as you draw energy and resources from all around you to achieve some ambitious end. Or you may be closely invovled with someone exploring new territory together. Trust is key. Mercury direct brings you some wonderful opportunities around your home base, family and real estate, especially on the 5th. By the 12th, with all planets direct, it’s time to use your power to push forward on all fronts. Be careful with any romantic dalliances or speculative investments around March 24th-26th, when things could get too hot to handle (though it is you we’re talking about and you can handle anything).

Mid-March is steeped in fun, romance and creativity. Your love is flowing strong - whether it is love for someone special or an endeavour you’ve poured your heart into. The New Moon of March 13th brings an opporutnity for the sweetest and most wonderful fresh start. If you’re launching something, or if it is a baby you want, make your move in the week or two following March 13th. Enjoy this magical period of March 11th-20th fully and charge your batteries. Because come Spring, your attention will shift toward more mundane matters such as your work, health and daily routine.

Spring is a busy time for you and the Spring Equinox of March 20th highlights just how much you have to do. Work and financial dealings are high on the agenda and will take up a lot of your time. This is also your cue to address any health matters that have been bothering you. You may want to do a spring detox or start a vigorous exercise programme - whatever is guaranteed to put the spring (pun intended) back in your step. By the March 28th Full Moon, you need a time-out, some time to be alone with yourself. This may be to complete something secret, away from prying eyes, or simply to recoup your energies. It’s time to take stock of how much has changed in the past year, rest and take care of your body and spirit.


Get ready for a little interactive mayhem this month as Mars goes rogue in your relationship zone! Things are heating up with others and you may have to play second fiddle to your partner or a client as Spring gets underway. But it’s good for you! If someone is calling the shots, leading you in a brand new direction, it’s because this is where you need to be. Use March 5th to come to a mutually beneficial agreement. With every planet direct, you won’t even believe how much ground you’ll have covered by the time Spring has been and gone! March 24th-26th is a hectic time, especially around household, family and relationship matters.

Home and family feature vividly in your thoughts and March 5th-9th will be decisive for household matters. The New Moon of March 13th brings a fresh start on the home front. Where is home, dear Sagittarius? The whole question is so steeped in dreams and fantasies, it’s hard to see clearly. Mid-March is your time to follow that dream. Feel like decorating or spending some quality time time at home? Your spirit is being called homeward, a trend that will come to fruition this September.

Come Spring on March 20th, you’re feeling energised and ready to conquer the world. Love is in the air and your energy may be drawn toward a labour of love or creative project. Collaboration is the key. By the Full Moon of March 28th, friends, groups and social involvements shine a light on just how much has changed for you since last Spring. This may leave you feeling vulnerable, your heart exposed. It’s down to you to come up with your own pioneering way to participate with others whilst not compromising your love life and creativity.


You’re a busy bee! You’ve so many plates in the air that even you may struggle to keep them all spinning. February has given you a chance to sort through your finances and decide what’s truly important. Now, with all planets finally direct, it’s time to push forward with your new decisions, especially on the lucrative date of March 5th. You’re eager to get out there and connect with others and your work schedule is sure to get progressively busier. Watch that you don’t take too much on, especially after March 20th, or you’ll end up with more than you can chew. March 24th-26th is especially hectic - watch your speech and movements.

By mid-March you’re looking for fresh and inspiring food for thought. You’ll want to dine on fine ideas and connect with others emotionally too. Your words are spellbinding, working their magic on whomever happens to be within hearing distance. Creative writing could see you produce wonders now or you may find that you particularly enjoy your walks, literally communing with nature. Your imagination is taking flight and you’re fed up being cooped up. The New Moon of March 13th is the best time to wrap your head around something new, move and travel more, connect and spread your ideas.

Spring arrives on March 20th, putting your attention squarely on home, family and property matters. There’s something that’s been bugging you there, a thorn in your side, and springtime will bring it into sharp relief. The Full Moon of March 28th shines a spotlight on where you’re headed and how others see you. This is a very public moment for you but it may create inner insecurities. How have your goals changed since last Spring? If there is some hurt you’re harbouring, an inadequacy you feel in your own personal space, it’s time address that. Strengthen your base.


Get ready to take some big bold risks this month! It’s time to push forward with all your creative ideas, speculate and increase your influence. You’re using all your resources to expand your world beyond its present confines. A project close to your heart might take all your energy this month - this could be a business endeavour, a child or hobby. Things heat up after March 21 and you can achieve incredible feats. With Mercury direct in your sign till the 15th, you’re ready to test your new ideas out in the real world. The cosmos will give you a big nod of approval come March 5th.

Your mind is largely on your finances this month. You’re dreaming up new assets and resources to help increase your financial buoyancy. Come March 13th and the New Moon, it’s time to give these imaginative ideas of yours a tentative go. You’re feeling your way in the dark so, let your intuition and imagination guide you. You’re not doing this just for yourself, after all, you’re doing it for the good of others. The universe really likes that, with Neptune in your money house, and will reward you for it. Do take care with your assets and dealings around March 24th-26th.

Come Spring on March 20th, everything begins to speed up all around you. You may be deep in negotiations, dealings and talks, constantly on the move or glued to a screen of Zoom meetings. The situation is sensitive and needs careful handling on your part. Still, this is the time to pull out all the stops - all the way to April 24th! The Full Moon of March 28th brings a stamp of approval - legal paperwork, an accreditation, signature or doctor’s note perhaps. You’re fully rattified and ready to explore new territory, even whilst being aware of how sensitive some of these issues are. Perhaps it’s sensitive paperwork you’re dealing with? Or someone difficult in your immediate environment? Fully appraised of the facts, you’re now ready to proceed and expand.


With a a host of planets including a magical New Moon in your sign, it’s time to launch your most cherished dreams! Your head is filled with longing and it gives you great pleasure to imagine all the great things you could do. The Pisces New Moon of March 13th is the time to set all that in motion. Don't try and figure it out rationally. Let your intuition guide you. There’s such beauty and love in your vision that, by March 14th, you will be pinching yourself. With Venus in your sign till March 21st, now’s the time to give your look a glamorous refresh too. Let your artistic style shine and enjoy this magical time - this is your month!

Your home is a hotbed of activity all month long. Mars stirs things up - and more so after March 21st - and you may find that you actually need to go outside for some peace and quiet. Are you renovating, or moving? Is your family driving you up the wall? Do you have cranky relatives, builders or house viewings? Whatever is going on, you can achieve a lot on the home, family and property front - more than you have in years. Now and until April 24th is the time fo you to pull out all the stops. Watch out for arguments and accidents at home, especially around the 24th-26th.

Come March 20th, the spotlight falls in your finances - a theme that will gain momentum and climax by the Libra Full Moon of March 28th. Your finances are a sore spot and there’s a delicate balance you’ve got to keep. Joint financial matters come to a head at the Full Moon - this is debts, loans, taxes, grants and benefits or activities involving your partner’s income. Any money made available to you now is welcome but also serves to highlight how vulnerable you feel, financially. Time to return to balance, to rebuild your reserves and your strength. Matters of intimacy and trust are also brought to a head around March 28th, putting the ball back in your court.


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