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March 2024 Astrology: Break The Silence

Writer's picture: YourAstroGenesYourAstroGenes

The March Equinox is fast approaching and so are the first eclipses of 2024!

baby lamb
March is a fast-paced month. We've breakthroughs, inspiration and a chance for deep healing, as we begin rethinking issues that may have been plaguing us for some time.

Excitement is building now as April's Total Solar Eclipse and Jupiter-Uranus conjunction are edging ever closer. And March paves the way: a Pisces New Moon opens us up to a state of grace, Mercury enters Aries where he begins to excrete the angry puss of old and festering resentments to be worked through over the coming months; the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all pass through Pisces dreaming up new versions of the future as we head for the Equinox; and, finally, a sobering Lunar Eclipse in Libra - the last of its kind - closes the doors to the past, rebalances the scales and sets us on a course correction.

So let’s see what March has in store! Or you can jump straight to your March horoscope - the slicing of the zodiacal pie...

March 3rd Venus square Uranus: Rock The Boat

Barely into March, on the 3rd, Venus squares Uranus bringing financial shocks and relationship surprises.

Things can crack apart now causing sudden turns and fluctuations, even a breakthrough.

As Venus and Uranus are in each others’ signs, these are positive conditions for change, to take someone by surprise and turn a situation on its head. What’s more, Mars follows in Venus’ footsteps by the 10th, creating more mayhem.

This exciting start to March is backed up by a host of energising sextiles. On the 1st, the Sun sextiles Jupiter and Venus sextiles Chiron, boosting confidence bringing relationship hurts to light.  By the 4th, Mercury sextiles Uranus delivering flashes of insight, exciting conversations and a chance to speak the truth! Last, on March 5th-7th Mars sextiles Chiron and the North Node mobilising us to action to heal those festering wounds! There is added cosmic pull to all this impetus now, willing us onward.

March 4th the Jupiter-Neptune Blockade Lifts

March 4th also sees Jupiter semi-square Neptune for the last time. This aspect has been going on since mid-2023, consistently blocking and frustrating dreams that were seeded back in early 2022 and creating a sense of stalemate.

Any sense of futility around dreams planted in 2022 begins to wane as the energy starts to flow once more.

March 8th Mercury conjunct Neptune: Sixth Sense

Come March 8th, Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces putting out an eery, otherworldly vibe. Time to indulge in some daytime reverie!

Clair-sentience, dreams, visions, and the creative imagination - whatever gets your intuition going - that’s the best way to find creative solutions now.

Lies, confusion and misdirection are also possible, as are misunderstandings and travel mishaps - that is, if you focus too closely on the outside world. The key is to go inward. Mercury-Neptune is excellent for interpreting dreams, for creative, intuitive and meditative work, but not so good for mundane comms, research and travel.

Shut out the world and seek answers within!

March 9th Mars Square Uranus: Shock Tactics

Finally, on the 9th Mars squares Uranus bringing yet more ground-shaking, liberating or surprising developments! Shock-tactics is the modus operandi of this transit. Mars-Uranus can be quite reactive. So think before you snap!

Altercations, accidents and people turning on a dime are all possible manifestations.

There is a raucous, contrary, rebellious energy afoot - and it is on this energy that the March 10th New Moon rides in.

March 10th Pisces New Moon: State of Grace

On March 10th we have a New Moon in Pisces at 20:16 degrees at 09:00UT/GMT.

Time to plant long-lasting seeds toward the realisation of our dreams!

The Sun and New Moon sextile Uranus, opening up opportunities for positive change. And change is upon us. For we’re in eclipse season already, with the first eclipse of the year arriving in two weeks on March 25th. What’s more, the next Pisces Full Moon itself, in six months’ time, is also an eclipse!

Something big is stirring under the water, moving, shape-shifting, rising… This dragon is slowly starting to rear its fearsome head. Pay attention to your dreams, intuition and visions!

Crucially, this New Moon is in the exact midpoint between Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. This is an important seeding moment for the future, as we are at the closing phase of the previous Saturn-Neptune cycle, seeded in 1989. Those two bodies are now moving ever closer together and in February 2026 they meet at 0 degrees Aries, the fighter sign, at the very hinges of the world. Is this the literal astrological image of a “brave new world”?

The end of 2025 - early 2026 will be a paradigm-shifting, world-changing time, akin to the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989.

For that’s when Saturn and Neptune last conjoined, in Capricorn. They dissolved the old world order back then, planting new dreams - corporate, government and globalist top-down 'Capricornian' dreams - and these have now run their course.

Their dissolving agent is being prepared as we speak. And the new dreams that will be planted in 2026, will be wholly individualist - the rise of a new age of heroes, idealising independence, bravery and courage. Pluto has already shifted into Aquarius, paving the way for the future, and this future new world vision is forming in the shimmering depths of Pisces as we speak.

March’s Pisces New Moon may well plant the first concrete seeds of this new world vision that will begin to take hold from 2026 onward.

By the time of this New Moon, on March 10th, Mercury enters Aries and is now at 0 degrees Aries - exactly where this powerful 2026 Saturn-Neptune conjunction will take place in a couple of years' time - and sextile Pluto. Mercury is the messenger of the gods. He now brings a powerful message of spiritual shifts down in the deep, of a new dream and vision beginning to take shape in our collective spirits.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is: “under the watchful and kind eye of a Chinese servant, a girl fondles a little white lamb”.

This is an image of double innocence - the innocence of the child and the innocence of the lamb - an image of double trust, reaching across cultures and across species.

Here we see an image of vulnerability and childlike hope for the future. There is plenty of eastern symbolism here too - the lamb as a spring (easter) animal, plus an image of the orient. This is where the sun rises bringing renewal - an apt image for the upcoming spring Equinox. Above all, there is something tender, kind and gentle in this image - opening us up to a state of grace - (corresponding to Gate/Gene Key 22, or the I Ching hexagram of 'Grace' in the Human Design system). Here we see a greater receptivity of consciousness generated through vulnerability and suffering, letting more of our spirit enter the body.

Venus in Pisces March 11th

Right on cue, on March 11th, Venus enters Pisces, the placement of unconditional love where Venus is exalted, reinforcing this message of entering a state of grace. Venus wills stay in Pisces, upping the love vibes until April 5th.

Sun conjunct Neptune March 17th

Within a week of this Pisces New Moon, on the 17th, the Sun conjuncts Neptune, ruler of Pisces, planting the seeds of these new dreams firmly in our spirit. This is a day to give our visions a new lease of life, and to revitalise our romantic, creative and spiritual yearnings.

Mercury in Aries conjunct Chiron/North Node March 19th: Express the Hurt

By this point, Mercury has entered Aries on the 10th and it’s time for a new mental approach. On March 19th Mercury conjuncts Chiron and the North Node in Aries, an aspect he will repeat twice more in the coming months, kickstarting an important healing period through words and communications all the way to mid-May.

March 18th-20th could raise the volume on disowned and disgruntled voices, on what needs healing and where we need to listen and take corrective action.

Mercury is digging deep into our wounds now to pull out the salient points. This is doubly important as Mercury's travails will soon coincide with April’s total solar eclipse! Something big is happening. And the first step is to break the silence, to speak up and voice whatever is festering and causing inflammation or rage. Also to listen. All this takes courage - which is Aries’ middle name.

Huge energies are being mobilised now for each of us to take corrective action, rather than waiting for something outside of ourselves to come to our rescue.

This is one of the key realisations of our times.

Mercury enters his retrograde Shadow March 17th

Mercury will go retrograde April 1st-25th. But his retrograde shadow will last much longer, from March 17th to May 13th.  That’s the period that Mercury will get bogged down in the very same degrees of the zodiac.

Mid-March to mid-May will see certain themes occupy our minds over and over again until we change our perspective and find a solution.

It won’t be until after the April 8th Total Solar Eclipse and the Sun-Mercury conjunction of April 12th, when Mercury is closest to the earth, that we will be truly ready to see things differently. And by mid-May, things will once again begin to shift.

The first half of March lends itself to getting on with communications, travel plans, meetings, purchases etc, connecting the dots as swiftly as possible, while Mercury is strong.

From March 17th-18th onwards and the second half of March, it will be time to start looking at festering or painful matters, taking the time to delve deeply into what’s been going on so we can put the past to bed. There will be lots of chewing over done in April, reviewing our thinking and any concerns we’ve had over the past few months.

Spring Equinox March 20th: Hit Refresh!

The Aries Equinox arrives at 05:06UT/GMT on March 20th this year. Night equals day and we reach a tipping point: here in the northern hemisphere, the day finally begins to gain on the night.

This is the official arrival of Spring; the astrological New Year! Time to plant new seeds, welcome growth, and begin to see things in the clear light of day.

And the light is sure different this year - carrying essential new information for growth. Also new is the fact that the Sun sextiles Pluto in Aquarius as soon as it enters Aries this year, on March 21st, bringing with it an appetite for change and transformation.

Mars in Pisces March 23rd

Within three days of the Equinox, on March 23rd, Mars enters Pisces, a sign already hosting Venus, Saturn and Neptune. Things are about to get steamy hot!

We have six weeks of creative, romantic and potentially foggy, confusing times ahead as Mars in Pisces takes the most imaginative, indirect and labyrinthian route available to get from A to B.

Mars in Pisces creates ripples that spread out in all directions. Mars will stay in Pisces until the 30th of April, mobilising compassion, spiritual impetus and the imagination, but also leaving plenty of room for trickery, subterfuge and misdirection when it comes to things of a mundane nature.

Venus Conjunct Saturn March 22nd

Also within days of the Equinox we see Venus in Pisces conjunct Saturn (March 22nd).

This is a moment of realisation for relationships and finances, requiring a commitment.

The good news is that Saturn does not have the final word. There is help at hand - a sextile by Jupiter (on the 24th) and Uranus (on the 28th), bringing a chance for hope and innovation. It's these sobering yet innovative energies that take us straight into the March Lunar Eclipse in Libra on the 25th!

Libra Lunar Eclipse March 25th: Spoiled Goods

March brings us the first of the 2024 eclipses - a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra at 05:07 degrees at 7am UT/GMT on March 25th.

This Eclipse will bring a matter to culmination, reveal the consequences of past actions and illuminate concrete results and choices to be made.

This is a South Node Full Moon Lunar Eclipse showing us what we need to let go of. It is the end of a cycle that is now complete and has yielded its fruit, revealing what no longer works that we must now leave behind.

This eclipse is the result of seeds planted back in 2014-2016, as well as the culmination of any efforts spanning the past six months, since the Libra solar eclipse in October.

The eclipse is trine Pluto, sesquisquare Uranus, widely opposite Neptune and with the ruler, Venus in Pisces, conjunct Saturn. It is a serious moment, a moment of truth, when old maturing karma is coming full circle to be powerfully processed. There could be sadness and serious decision-making to be made. Libra has to do with justice and the courts and seeks to rebalance the scales, as well as root out any abuses of these systems. This corresponds to the 18th Gate/Gene Key (in the Human Design system) and the I Ching Hexagram of wind over mountain or “work on what has been spoiled.”  There are multiple images of an unhealthy situation here needing to be redressed.

Time to clear out the rot. Time to blow away the cobwebs. Time to gently re-sculpt our world, preferably using the power of the mind to visualise what we would prefer, so we can slowly make it a reality.

The difficulty now is letting go of all the judgment that we might rightfully feel, letting go of victim consciousness, and not falling into the trap of superiority complexes. Simply dropping back into integrity is a good starting point from which to design our world afresh. The Sabian Symbol for this eclipse is “a man watches his ideal taking concrete forms before his inner vision” symbolising this need for us all to clearly visualise the future rather than dwell on the past.

While this is only a penumbral eclipse - when the moon only passes through the outskirts of the earth’s shadow - it is important that we pay attention to what this shadowing highlights by contrast. 

This is the very last lunar eclipse in Libra for the next nine years - a last chance to redress any imbalance, root-out what’s rotten and seek out proper recourse to justice and to fair laws to restore the system to balance.

The influence of this eclipse will span for the next six months, during which time many of these themes will play out. As for the results, they will carry us all the way to the early 2030s.

Venus, the ruler of this eclipse is conjunct Saturn, and sextile Jupiter (24th) and Uranus (28th). This foreshadows one of the most exciting events of 2024, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of April 21st!

With Jupiter and Uranus involved, genius solutions and creative breakthroughs are possible past this point, changing things in a flash.

This image is also borne out by the Saros cycle this eclipse is part of, delivering flashes of insight and intuitive revelations that could cause major rifts and changes.

There’s a great need for freedom building now and all through Spring 2024!

April here we come! A month to watch.

March 2024 Horoscope

"March" in scrabble letters

So what do this month’s Pisces New Moon, Libra Lunar Eclipse and Mercury-Chiron in Aries have in store for your zodiac sign? Time to slice up that big great pie in the sky. Your Sun sign sheds light on the situation, your rising sign casts the longest physical shadow, and your Moon sign grants you a glimpse of the madness going on in the back of your head…


You’re determined to go after your dreams, dear Aries. Your friendships, community, joint projects and any causes you support are now taking up much of your time as you try to juggle your finances and priorities so you can pursue these high ideals. This is a great month to energise your friendships, fight for a cause or pour your energy into a group project. You’re now eager to try out new ways to earn and use your talents, so you can make your contribution.

The Pisces New Moon signals a spiritual new beginning. There is lots going on behind the scenes, an old life is dissolving, and you’re called to let go and mature spiritually and psychologically. There is lots of psychological processing going on and you may feel a little lost or shut down part of your processing power for maintenance now and not as much available outwardly. This is a good time to meditate, get creative or embark on a course of therapy. Put your best foot forward as this is an area of life that will gather momentum in the years to come.

The Libra Lunar Eclipse brings a major relationship matter to a head - this is a a karmic journey coming full circle, a turning point or ending in a relationship, contract, partnership or agreement that may have been brewing for the past six months. It is also the culmination of relationship decisions that may have been affecting your for the past nine years or so. You’re now letting go of your old life and preparing for something new.

You are changing, getting wiser, becoming a little alternative perhaps, a bit of a maverick - or more of a maverick than you already were. Your sense of identity is changing and that might make you feel singled out and cut off from previous outlets of expression. You are a loner anyway and highly independent. But do take time to consider how your outlook and approach to life is changing and allow a more authentic sense of self to come through. The spring equinox is your birthday and it’s always a time to hit reset and revitalise yourself and al your endeavours. Take time now to tidy loose ends for you have a most powerful solar eclipse in your sign next month - a major new beginning to carry you forward for years to come.


Big questions about how you meet the world publicly and privately, dear Taurus, still take up a lot of your time and energy this month. These are questions around your career, your role in the world and your overall life direction, even your appearance. You’re looking to reinvent yourself and try new ways of approaching your professional life. This is a good month to pursue your goals.

The Pisces New Moon allows you to make a new beginning in your friendship groups and community involvements. Your dreams and ideals are being tested and you’re having to let go and ‘let god’ to a large extent, whilst also being aware of your own limitations. You’re determined to making a contribution and you’ll have plenty a rewarding chance to do so this month. Put your best foot forward as this is an area of life that will gather momentum in the years to come.

The Libra Lunar Eclipse highlights work, health and lifestyle choices that may not be serving you. A way of life seeded back in 2014-16 may now be coming to a head, revealing its fruit, showing you where you need to make lifestyle changes, and showing you where you stand with initiatives taken last October.

Your inner life is also richly highlighted this month and the next. This is a good time to start a therapy programme or a daily meditation practice. The spring equinox is always a time when you spring clean your soul and this time, you’ll need to do a good and thorough job and start preparing for a major spiritual or psychological breakthrough next month.


You’re ready to spread your wings, dear Gemini. You may be considering of a big journey, or publishing or broadcasting your ideas to a wider audience, or perhaps questioning your own guiding credo in life. Pour your energy into expanding your world this month, through travel, publishing, academia, legal proceedings - whatever can help set you on a broader arena - making the most of your creativity and brilliant insights. Do not be afraid to use your intuition.

At the same time, the Pisces New Moon signals a new beginning in your career. It may feel difficult right now, as if you’re called to commit to a serious path whilst letting go of the outcome, landing you with responsibilities whilst demanding great sacrifices on your part. This is a calling to step into a greater role in the world. Time to embark on a new adventure. Put your most inspired and mature foot forward for this is an area of life that will gather momentum in the years to come.

Matters around love, romance, fun, creativity, rejuvenation and children are also reaching critical mass this month - a theme that became highly charged for you last October. The Libra Lunar Eclipse brings your quest for happiness full circle - whether it is romantic happiness, children or your own hobbies, projects and creative fulfilment - delivering the results of your efforts for the past nine years, since 2014-2016.

The spring equinox is always a time when you focus on networking, reconnecting with friends and strengthening your allegiances. Only you may feel more isolated than usual right now, as you are called to connect with people from a place of greater authenticity. The time has come for a major recalibration of your friendships and social network, clearing the air, reconnecting and healing past hurts now and over the next few months. This will allow you to begin seeing your place in the community in a whole new light, seeding new dreams for the future that will carry you forward for years to come.


Personal empowerment - this is the question on your mind these days, dear Cancer. And there is much you can do this month to transform your life, pay off debt, secure financing or even create wealth, as well as to deepen intimacy, strengthen the bonds of trust and build greater resilience in the face of crisis. You want the freedom to socialise more, get together with likeminded folk and pursue your dreams now. And you desire the resources to do so. March is a good month to push forward with business deals, secret projects and trust-building exercises.

At the same time, your philosophical outlook is getting serious. Why do you do what you do? What’s the meaning of it all? Perhaps you have taken on teaching or pastoral responsibilities, are dealign with legalities or embarking on a demanding course of study. Or perhaps it’s a publishing project or international venture that occupies your thoughts. The Pisces New Moon signals it’s time for a fresh start with all such ventures. A willingness to work hard and make sacrifices but also stand on principle and draw a line is important now. Put your best foot forward as this is an area of life that will gather momentum in the years to come.

Your home, family and living situation is another area of contention this month, where the Libra Lunar Eclipse brings karmic matters to a head that may have been brewing for the past nine years or so, ever since 2014-16. Questions around your Homebase or a property you own, or around where to live or how to deal with a flatmate or family member may have been on your mind even more strongly since last autumn. This eclipse will reveal something to help you take the next steps.

At the same time, the spring equinox is always a time of career renewal for you. Time to focus on your life direction, refresh your public image and take career initiatives. You’re entering a couple of months when you’ll review your career path and your goals. Alternatives may present themselves, unusual roles or perhaps unusual authority figures that might draw your attention, calling you toward more authentic goals. Use this month to send out communications and connect the dots career-wise and in any of your public roles and responsibilities. You’re getting ready for a major new beginning, professionally, next month that will carry you forward for years to come.


Your relationships are getting more intense by the minute, dear Leo, whether it’s a personal or professional partnership that’s taking up al your time. You may even be under attack or experiencing great competition, or you may be seeking an agent or mediator to help change your life. This is a good time to energise your relationships and set things in motion, to advocate for someone or let them do so for you, with the aim of breaking through glass ceilings, liberating you to be someone new in the world and changing your trajectory.

Matters of intimacy, trust and joint finances will also be a big theme going forward. The Pisces New Moon demands that you make sacrifices yet also act responsibly around joint financial matters. You may be carrying a heavy financial burden, due to debt, taxes and payments, or perhaps due to a sense of obligation and dependency, financial or emotional. You are being tested, financially, as well as in terms of your capacity for trust, intimacy and resilience. Put your best foot forward with others, as this is an area of life that will gather momentum in the next couple of years to come.

Your day-to-day life has likely been disrupted in the past six months, upping the noise and making it harder to concentrate. Your environment is changing fast and the Libra Lunar Eclipse could being news that change the way you think about many matters. You may also be dealing with paperwork, people, commutes and greater commotion in general - and all this may have become more intense since October. This month, the penny drops and something comes to a head. Perhaps an important conversation needs to be had to clarify where you stand. Ideas percolating for the best part of a decade, since 2014-16, may now deliver their fruit, and you may see old thoughts and questions come to a conclusion.

Your ideas are coming full circle, your outlook on life is changing and you’ll see the truth of that by the end of Spring. You’re always keen on adventure when spring arrives, eager for a change of scenery so you can get a fresh perspective on your life. This process will take a while this year. and may take you down unlikely philosophical explorations. Take time to gain a deeper understanding of your life this month and prepare yourself for new perspectives to emerge. If you are involved with law, academia, publishing, broadcasting or international business, April will bring a major new beginning that will keep you ticking over for years to come.


Lifestyle questions loom large on your mind as March begins, dear Virgo. These are brand new worries to do with your health, work and daily routine that do not have easy answers. You know that change is needed and you are prepared to experiment with alternate philosophies of life and research new theories as you try to find a new way to live, work and stay healthy. March is a rather busy and hectic month. But you also have the energy to complete demanding work projects. This is also a great month to take up an exercise programme, as you are motivated to move and take action for your health. You may also want to seek out a specialist opinion to solve a problem, or you may be looking for new and innovative ways to disseminate your own ideas.

The Pisces New Moon brings plants new relationship seeds bringing a more mature perspective. This is an area of your life that may feel heavy going at the moment, requiring discipline and sacrifices on your part. This could be your marriage we’re talking about, a business partnership or even expectations placed on you by an agent, client or even an audience. Time to put your most wise, inspired and mature foot forward on the relationship front - both personal and professional - as this is an area of life that will gather momentum over the next couple of years to come, starting as soon as this autumn.

Financial matters also reach critical mass this month. This is the culmination of a journey to do with your self-esteem, values and priorities, as well as your financial strength and self confidence in general - a journey that began nine years ago, around 2014-16. Important developments since October may have placed extra focus on what you have to offer, as well as your finances, strengths and priorities. This is ultimately about building a solid sense of self worth and self confidence. Something important comes full circle now, delivering rewards for past efforts, as well as showing lessons still to be learned. Finances are a hot topic for you this Spring, highlighted by the eclipses, bringing clarity and a new approach to the whole matter.

The spring equinox is always a time when you focus on personal transformation and renewal, doing your best to detoxify body and mind. This spring’s alchemical process of transformation and purging is extra special: you’re ready to reach deeper than ever and heal the past, letting more light enter your energy field. This is a great time for therapy and healing work, purging old psychological complexes that no longer serve you. Building trust is key in all areas of your life now, both psychological and financial. Take time to examine your joint finances this month and tidy loose ends, ready for a major recalibration and new beginning next month, which will carry you forward for years to come.


Love and romance is where it’s at, dear Libra. You have a new desire to enjoy life more - whether it’s through creative projects and hobbies, flirting and having fun, speculating or playing with the kids. Recent events may have shocked you but also liberated you to live more freely and enjoy life more. March is a great month to pour your energies into who and what brings you happiness and derive maximum joy from your endeavours.

The Pisces New Moon asks you to pay attention to your health, working routine and overall wellbeing. Lifestyle sacrifices may be required, whether it is due to a heavy workload or because of the discipline needed to address a health matter - or both. This is a good time to begin a demanding project or health treatment. A mature, compassionate yet responsible approach is best now. It’s important that you put your best foot forward as this is an area of your life that will continue to get your attention and demand you take it seriously over the next couple of years.

This month brings a Libra Lunar Eclipse - in your sign! This is the only lunar eclipse you will have in this eclipse cycle. It is the culmination of a karmic journey that you’ve been on for the past nine years, ever since 2014-15 and this March could bring a turning point or ending, shedding clarity on matters important to you personally, as well as anything to do with your health, physical vitality and approach to life. Relationships are also a major theme this March and April.

You’re always eager to reach out to others and connect at this time of year, the spring equinox, and this year is no different. Only, you are now starting to see your relationships in a whole new light. Get ready for big relationship rethink this March, April and May, reviewing your entire way of interfacing with others so you can relate from a place of greater authenticity. Use March to tidy up loose ends in preparation of a major new relationship beginning next month that will carry you through for years to come.


Home and family questions loom large on your mind as March begins, dear Scorpio, and you feel the need to move, sort out a property situation or establish a good base for yourself from which to overhaul your life from the ground up. What in your family or living situation needs transforming? Is real estate on your mind? Or perhaps questions of security? You can pour much of your energy and attention in securing your base of operations this month. Others continue to be unpredictable in your life and this is something you will simply have to incorporate in your plans.

Questions of happiness and personal fulfilment may loom large on your mind at the Pisces New Moon. A hobby or creative project may be turning into something more serious. Children may require sacrifices on your part, as does any commitment you may make to any labour of love. Romantic endeavours may also carry burdens at this time. Whatever your pathway to fulfilment, the sincerity of your heart is being tested. Compassion, maturity and the willingness to take responsibility are key. Put your best foot forward as this is an area of life that will gather momentum over the next couple of years, starting this autumn.

The Libra Lunar Eclipse signifies the culmination of a nine year spiritual journey, ever since 2014-2016, where you may have been working behind the scenes, making sacrifices or seeing an old lifestyle unravel. The time has come to let the past go. People and situations are now passing out of your life, paving the way for more creative, outgoing and enjoyable times ahead. Events may have quickened since last October and you may now gain insights into situations that may have hitherto seemed mysterious. Use the next six months to gain closure and move forward.

Spring is always a busy time when you renew your commitment to your work and try to build good habits. You have the power to make meaningful changes to your work and health routines this year, seeking lifestyle alternatives that are better suited to your nature. This is a long process of review and lifestyle recalibration that will take you all the way to May. Take time to tidy up loose ends now, in preparation of a major new beginning in your work and day to day life that will carry you through for years to come.


Your mind is overstimulated, dear Sagittarius. Your environment is rapidly changing and you find yourself in the midst of all the commotion learning to adapt - whether it is at home, your work, school or neighbourhood, or your daily commute. You’ve anything but a stable lifestyle right now. You’re on a major learning curve and the training wheels are coming off, fast. March provides a great opportunity for you to make your voice heard amid the madness - network, study or write something up, and generally promote your ideas.

The Pisces New Moon sheds light on your home, family and living situation, bringing the chance for a fresh start. This is an area of your life that has demanded lots of sacrifices of late and is currently placing heavy restrictions upon you. On the other hand, it’s also giving you the capacity to realise your dreams. This is a good time to develop a sensitive yet mature and responsible approach to home, family and cohabiting matters, as well as to build greater self-reliance as a secure psychological foundation from which to grow. Put your best foot forward on the home and family front, as this is an area of life that will gather momentum over the next couple of years

The Libra Lunar Eclipse brings dramatic developments in your social circle and communities. This may shed light on initiatives you took last October, completing a journey of allegiance and social development that may have begun as far back as 2014-16. This could be a time when you are recognised, receiving rewards for your contribution, as well as a time of closure and goodbyes.

What you need right now is time away from social pressures where you can follow your own creative impulses. Time to indulge in love and romance, have fun and be playful. This could be a totally healing and rejuvenating time for you. So take time this spring, from March until May, to reconnect with your inner child, reignite romance, or rediscover your own authentic creative impulses. You always feel more frisky and playful in Spring so take time to rediscover what makes you happy, and prepare for a major new beginning next month in all matters of the heart. True fulfilment can be yours now and in years to come if you relinquish expectations and enjoy the moment.


It’s time to play to your strengths, dear Capricorn. Your mind is on how to fortify yourself and build greater strength financially, physically and in terms of the people in your life. This is a good time to mobilise your talents and resources to boost your income or raise your self-confidence and sense of self worth. You’re feeling playful and frisky and eager to pursue your heart’s desires and have some fun doing what you love.

The Pisces New Moon draws your attention to a particular piece of news or communication., Things are getting serious all around you and your presence and readiness may be required. No matter what stage you’re at in your life or career, this is a school of sorts and you’re required to listen and learn, train and develop. This is a learning curve for you, testing your ideas out in the world, while at the same time bringing inspiration and wisdom in your affairs. Take your day-to-day interactions seriously and learn from your surroundings now, for this trend will gather momentum over the next couple of years, transforming the way you think.

Something about your career and life trajectory comes full circle at the Libra Lunar Eclipse. Last October may have presented you with a fresh perspective as to your role in life - whether it’s in your professional life or as a parent. Developments in March and April will shed further clarity on your goals, bringing a particular journey to fruition and perhaps causing you to change your course. This is the culmination a professional and public cycle that started back in 2014-16. It’s time to receive the recognition for your achievements, accept any failures and free your energy for new endeavours.

Your private life is where the real action is. Springtime is always a good time to touch base with yourself but this time, you could find yourself going deeper. March and April could prove to be deeply healing, maturing months, when you honestly review your life’s foundations. This could range from your home, family and living situation, all the way to major psychological developments and a healing and releasing of the past that allows for greater personal authenticity. Take time to look within this spring, for a powerful new beginning could set the cornerstone for a whole new trajectory to take you through the coming decade.


A new era has arrived, dear Aquarius. Pluto is in your sign and you’re only just stepping through that great big door that will define the next two decades of your life. You can probably already feel a shift in the energy, as a great transformative power prepares to move with you and through you in the coming years. You’re already busy setting your life - your home, family and innermost sense of self - on a whole new foundation, and this will will act as a springboard for your future endeavours. You hold all the cards as you’re hosting Mars in your sign until March 23rd and can use this time to push forward with all your projects and desires. Time to take matters in your own hands. Venus and Mars both in Aquarius make you utterly irresistible until March 11th, with Mars amping you energy and drive until March 23rd.

Your finances have seen better days and your confidence may also have taken a knock lately. Chances are you’ve had to tighten that belt and make sacrifices. But this experience is also teaching you what’s truly important and worth your money, time and attention. You don’t fully control the situation, and much of what you spend may be going toward a good cause, a creative project, dream or romantic ideal of yours. The Pisces New Moon brings fresh energy into your finances and allows you to reset your priorities. Put your best foot forward, build your confidence and make the most of your talents and resources as financial matters will heat up over the next couple of years.

The Libra Lunar Eclipse brings official matters to a head. You could be dealing with legal, academic or religious institutions, with international affairs, travel or immigration, doing research, publishing, gaining an accreditation or anything else that can raise your game or grant you licence to operate on a whole new level. Something important comes full circle now, a journey that goes back nine years to 2014-2016. Initiatives you took last October will also yield their fruit now. Your outlook on life has matured and you are ready to take things up a notch and perhaps even leave your old beliefs behind. It is important to move past your beliefs now and return to raw data, listening to the voices form the ground and experiencing life afresh.

You may see things in a whole new light this spring, seeing truths that you could never have perceived even a while ago. And these direct perceptions of what’s going on can be very healing for you now and in April, also giving you back your voice to speak things as you see them. You’re usually feeling rather sociable as spring gets underway. If any painful conversations need to be had, now is the time to have them. Time to speak the truth. And time to listen. Your relationship with a sibling or neighbour may also enter a special place of healing and authenticity now if this is an important person in your life. You have a chance to approach the people in your life from a new perspective now, allowing for a more authentic interaction, not coloured by pre-existing judgments. This can be truly liberating. And with a powerful new beginning arriving in April, meaningful talks and news now could change the way you perceive the world for a decade to come.


With a New Moon in your sign this month, dear Pisces, it’s time to put your best foot forward and act with as much maturity, responsibility and discipline as you can muster. For you’re at the threshold of important changes in your identity and the next couple of years will be the making of you. You only get one new moon in your sign per year and this is it - on March 10th. Use it to set forth your intentions for the year ahead. What’s more, the eclipses are soon arriving in your sign! And so you’re in for two years of great changes in your identity and relationships starting this autumn. So take a moment this March to get clear on what you want.

You’re on a long journey of maturation and letting go. Your old ego is dying, and you’re making sacrifices and handling many responsibilities. In this liminal space, your inner demons may also come out to play, acted out through the people around you in ways that might surprise you. If so, they are trying to tell you something! Revealing your own shadow - aspects of your character or expectations that you may be unable to see save by reflection. Be open to learning about your own shadow and hidden depths at this time, for this, too, will be a huge theme in the coming years.

The Libra Lunar Eclipse brings joint finances to a head, also highlighting issues of trust. The past six months may have tested business and personal relationships alike, highlighting breakdowns in trust or showing you whom you can rely on to have your back. These will be coming to a head now, showing you where you stand. At the same time, this is the culmination of a much longer journey of initiation into intimate personal and financial relationships with others, going back nine years to 2014-16. It’s time for a big detox, emotionally and financially, as your relationship and financial choices of the past nine years or so now yield their fruit.

Spring usually brings you back to your own devices and to what you have to offer. What are your strengths? What raises your self-worth, what could sustain you? Take time to review your priorities and to get clear on what’s of most value to you - whether it is people, projects or investments. It may take you a couple of months to figure that out and bring out your own unique and authentic gifts, disentangling yourself from unhealthy situations that drain your energy and confidence. The world needs what you have to offer right now. It’s time to cut cords and focus on what’s of true substance in your life. Next month brings a powerful new beginning, allowing you to make choices for your own wellbeing that have the power to sustain you for years to come.

First Image by Bill Fairs from Unsplash

Second Image by Glen Carrie from Unsplash

Article by YourAstroGenes


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