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Planets, Retrogrades & Eclipses 2022: A World in Turmoil

Writer's picture: YourAstroGenesYourAstroGenes

Let’s have a closer look at the forces of change for 2022. Amid the eclipses and Pluto, Uranus and Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune, and Mercury, Mars and Venus's a hell of a ride!

2022 is a year of transition where the only certainty is change.

Pluto collapses the old order with the help of the Lunar Nodes and Eclipses while Uranus in Taurus shocks us to the very core - especially this Summer and Autumn. No less than all three personal planets go retrograde - Venus, Mars and Mercury - and 2022 enters as it means to leave: in a strange and eery climate when everything is up for grabs, forcing us to turn inward for answers.

So let’s have a look at the forces of change for 2022. I have divided this content in four parts: the 2022 Eclipses and the shake ups they bring (Part I), what the big guns Pluto, Saturn and Uranus (and Jupiter-Neptune) are doing (Parts II & III) and, finally, the Retrogrades of Mars, Mercury and Venus 2022 and when those planets go out of bounds (Part IV). Jupiter and Neptune are the outsiders to all that, urging us to let go, calling forth the hero within and upgrading our spiritual processing power in the background…

This is a rather comprehensive article. Feel free to dip in and out or check out my brief Astrological overview for 2022.

You can also jump straight to your annual forecast for your sun sign, moon sign or ascendant in Your Horoscope 2022!

Eclipses 2022: Becoming Self Sufficient

We have four eclipses this year, reflecting the position of the Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio.

These touch upon our very survival, precipitating transformation and shocking financial changes in a highly unstable world.

The series began with the first eclipse in Taurus on November 19th 2021 and won’t end till October 2023. But it’s 2022 that forms the transformational core of the series.

This is a year of cliffhanger finales. For we now switch from the total / annular solar eclipses of 2021, which ushered in a new world, to two Blood Moons or Total Lunar eclipses in 2022, bringing matters to a head and closing the doors to the past for good.

If 2021 was a year of powerful new beginnings, 2022 is a year of endings with the Blood Moons of May and November burning bridges and forever closing off our escape route into the past.

This is a year of culminations and revelations, a year of great emotional intensity and peak experiences. This is the year that makes sure there is no turning back. So without further ado, here are the 2022 eclipses.

Spring 2022 Eclipses

The Spring 2022 eclipses have everything to do with how we relate to authority figures, revealing their shortcomings and urging us to take back responsibility for our own lives.

Taurus Partial Solar Eclipse on 30 April 2022 (North Node)

First we have a partial solar eclipse on April 30th at 21:28 BST at 10:28 degrees Taurus.

The first eclipse of 2022 is a North Node Solar Eclipse in Taurus and so it is all about new beginings.

It is only partial, easing us in, but still capable of excitement, unpredictability and shock, as it is conjunct Uranus in Taurus. The element of surprise is key whenever we are dealing with Uranus. This eclipse is sextile Mars, offering plenty of opportunity to implement new and groundbreaking ideas - a potentially liberating eclipse, if you dare take the road less travelled.

Scorpio Total Lunar Eclipse ‘Blood Moon’ 16 May 2022 (South Node)

The first blood moon of the year arrives on 16 May 2022 at 05:14 BST at 25:18 degrees Scorpio.

This is an extremely dramatic eclipse in Scorpio, ushering in a transformative ending.

Not only is it a Total Lunar Eclipse, i.e. a Blood Moon, but it is also closely conjunct the South Node (karma coming full circle) and square Saturn, again a planet that tends to have a heavy tread. Further harmonies with Pluto, Mars and Neptune make a point of no return. Like a series finale, consequences of past actions come full circle, deep feelings are revealed and a cycle of events closes leaving space for something new.

Autumn 2022 Eclipses

The Autumn 2022 eclipses are very forceful and aggressive, galvanising us into action, uniting us toward a cause and to fight for what we value. They have the potential to escalate matters very quickly.

Scorpio Partial Solar Eclipse 25 October 2022 (South Node)

The first eclipse of Autumn is another South Node eclipse, a Partial Solar Eclipse on the 25 October 2022 at 11:48 BST at 2:00 degrees Scorpio. This is a Solar Eclipse of new beginings conjunct the South Node of old material and endings.

This symbolises a fresh look at something old, something of which the time has come.

This eclipse is conjunct Venus, barely a few days after Venus’ superior conjunction with the Sun, bringing a set of values and decisions full circle. It is imbued with financial themes, highlighting our social and economic values. Now we can see with fresh eyes how past financial decisions have led to present economic realities, loss of trust and relationship breakdowns. This is a new perspective at a persistent problem, so we can transmute its poisons. The eclipse is also widely square Pluto, for added oomph, eliminating the potential for half-measures.

Taurus Total Lunar Eclipse ‘Blood Moon’ 8 November 2022 (North Node)

The 2022 eclipses end with another Total Lunar Eclipse on 8 November 2022 at 11:02 GMT at 16:00 degrees Taurus - a Blood Moon conjunct the powerful North Node. This final eclipse of the year is also the most dramatic. This is a final ending, a culmination and revelation that accelerates the evolutionary process and propels us into the unknown.

This Blood Moon is not only conjunct Uranus but also coincides with the Uranus opposition, the moment when the planet of surprise, truth and liberation reaches its maximum shock factor. This could be a time of destabilising events, blindsiding revelations and liberating truths. For good measure, the eclipse also opposes Mercury’s superior conjunction with the Sun, representing absolute clarity and big news that change the terrain for good. Venus is also still close by, highlighting the importance of how we relate to each other on a personal, social and financial level.

This eclipse is an electrifying and shocking ending, propelling us into uncharted territory, a moment of electro-shock - a ‘rip the bandaid’ moment.

Eclipses 2022: A Financial Note

Financial volatility is a certainty this year, along with shocking and extreme swings thanks to Uranus in Taurus conjunct the North Node and the eclipses. But this climate is also sure to create opportunities for gain due to currency swings, market-manipulations, changes to banking and such like.

One thing is clear: the North Node in Taurus points to real assets and commodities as the healthiest investments, the light at the end of the tunnel.

It’s also worth noting the position of Jupiter in financial matters: Jupiter’s rush through Aquarius in the first half of 2021 saw unprecedented growth and profits in tech. Now Jupiter is racing through Pisces and inflating the price of everything - above all oil and gas (and associated Neptunian industries such as drugs, drink or shipping perhaps), at least till May 11th. That’s when Jupiter moves on, boosting all things ruled by warrior Mars throughout the Summer and til October.

Lastly, let's. not forget Pluto, who's name, literally means "wealth". During Pluto in Capricorn, wealth was literally to be made by aligning your interests with those of banks governments and large corporations. This being the last full year of Pluto in Capricorn, we're at the end of this trend. Pluto in Aquarius will be much more about participating laterally with each other via group memberships, shared ideas and community creation in a tech-revolutionised world.


Pluto, Lunar Nodes, Uranus & Saturn: The Forces of Change

Pluto and the South Node in Scorpio ensure that the old order begins to crumble while Uranus and the North Node hold a wild card for 2022. Saturn is, meanwhile, trying to hold down the fort.

Last Year of Pluto in Capricorn: Don't Be Afraid to Let Old Structures Collapse

Pluto has been working his way through Capricorn since 2008 and this process is nearly at an end. With a total concentration of power at the tippy top, the pyramid has been hollowed out and can no longer support its weight. This is the final full year of Pluto in Capricorn, which also coincides with the USA Pluto return, the last gasp of this mad elite power-trip, with 2022 delivering the coup de grace. Pluto enters Aquarius 23 March-11 June 2023, before ensconcing itself there fully on January 21st 2024. Right now we're in the midst of a major transition, when the old order comes crashing down and the new one is yet to be erected. No need to be afraid. All is as it should be.

What appears as chaos is simply a snapshot of our world morphing from one shape into another - from a top down organisational structure to something much more lateral, digital.

The defining principles, moving forward will be communal and technological in nature with all the dangers and breakthroughs this brings. The world is ripe for radical change and 2022 highlights what needs to die for our world to be reborn.

  • Pluto covers 25-28 degrees of Capricorn in 2022.

  • It stations retrograde on April 29th and stations direct on October 8th.

  • The Sun meets Pluto January 16th. It opposes Pluto on July 20th, a moment of stark realisations.

Lunar Nodes in Scorpio & Taurus: Back to Basics

As of January 18th the (true) Lunar Nodes are in Scorpio and Taurus to stay there till July 17th 2023. During this period, humanity is tempted by the ‘devil’. There’s a tendency to court our own destruction in search for easy financial and political gain through downright criminal means.

This is the darkest hour before the dawn, time to face humanity’s destructive patterns and transform them. This is a call to return to our senses.

With conflict and coercion now upon us (Mars-Pluto ruling the South Node), we’re awakening to a deep sense of betrayal. The road to peace (Venus, ruling the North Node) may well pass through war and survivalism, as catalysts that mobilise our will toward greener pastures.

The Taurus North Node is a call to get back to basics. It teaches us that nothing can replace the real thing: real substance, wholesome values, relations built on trust, a life-sustaining ecosystem, long-term investments, real economic growth, sustainable natural resources, nutritious food, a strong natural immune system - in short, living in harmony with ourselves, each other and our earth. As we court our own destruction over the next 1.5 years, we realise that the only way forward is a return to greater wholesomeness.

Uranus in Taurus: The Awakening of Earth Consciousness

With Uranus in Taurus, revolutionary themes do and will revolve around money and resources since 2018 and til 2026.

The very question of freedom has become a question of financial freedom with Uranus in Taurus.

Bitcoin is leading the revolution and, even as we speak, centralised powers are doing their best to control and supplant it. And while Uranus in Taurus symbolises crypto as the contrarian force, it also rules the inevitable digitisation of centralised currency before Uranus leaves Taurus for good in 2026. Uranus in Taurus is ultimately about freeing our resources from those who wish steal, hoard and withold them. Those who wish to own the earth for themselves, “liberate us” from our assets, freeze our bank accounts at will; rob us of our sovereignty, even our very bodies. Every man and every woman has the inalienable right to self-ownership on this earth - over their body, their food, their energy, assets and resources.

Uranus in Taurus is here to teach us new methods of self-sustenance.

Any energy and food shortages in 2022 are here to awaken us from our stupor and make us more self-reliant and more aware of the planet. The Uranus-Mars-North Node conjunction this Summer is capable of sudden financial shocks, capable of insurrections, cyber attacks and even earthquakes.

The earth’s consciousness is awakening and we are changing the way we plug into this planet, from our finance and energy investments to our food and energy consumption.

Uranus hasn’t met the North Node in Taurus since 1855. Back then, it created systematic changes that helped mass media to flourish, creating new avenues for profit and opening communication channels - a sort of budding 'neural network' of humans upon the earth. Uranus-North Node is sure to create novel lucrative paths for prosperity now, once more, enhancing our connectivity as and enriching the earth's cerebral cortex...

With Uranus in Taurus til 2026, it is more important now than ever to protect our financial freedoms and ensure our physical integrity, as new social, financial and biological systems are being put in place.

  • Uranus travels 10-19 degrees of Taurus.

  • It stations direct January 18th and stations retrograde August 24th.

  • The Sun meets Uranus May 5th, initiating a new cycle of innovation and opposes it November 9th, a day after the Taurus Blood Moon, a moment of great potential breakdown, freeing energy.

  • Mars conjuncts Uranus and the North Node on August 1st-2nd.

  • Uranus becomes partile (within one degre of its Saturn square 15 September-23 October 2022. It’s sextile to Chiron fades after June.

Saturn in Aquarius: Lessons in Science, Freedom & Solidarity

Saturn is still in Aquarius for 2022. It first entered March-July 2020, coinciding with the first lockdowns, then finally settled into Aquarius in December 2020, bringing more lockdowns, scientific (Aquarius) authoritarianism (Saturn) and socialist (Aquarius) mandates (Saturn) reminiscent of communist (Aquarius) regimes (Saturn). Saturn will stay in Aquarius til March 2023.

Humanity’s lessons with Saturn in Aquarius are social and scientific in nature. We’re learning about the responsible use of science - and about the evils of peer pressure, social segregation and technocratic rule.

Saturn in Aquarius can be cold-hearted and dehumanising - promoting a one-size-fits-all, cog in the machine, barcode kind of world. Friendship, freedom and solidarity - not to mention true scientific enquiry - are deeply suffering under this transit. The upshot? Saturn always leaves a golden nugget at the end of his transit through a sign. By March 2023, Saturn will hopefully have taught us much about true solidarity, community and social conscience, as well as about the nature, use and abuse of science and technological development. And it will have taught us the true value of our human rights and civil liberties, which we may have hitherto taken for granted.

By March 2023, we’ll also have had five years of Saturn in its own signs - Capricorn and Aquarius - five years of authoritarian rule. But come Spring 2023, with Saturn in Pisces, we’re entering a phase where control won’t be as easy to maintain, with a whole new social system emerging with the Saturn-Neptune conjunction in 2025-26.

  • Saturn occupies 8-25 degrees of Aquarius in 2022.

  • Saturn stations retrograde June 4th and turns direct on October 23rd.

  • The Sun meets Saturn February 4th, planting new seeds and opposes it August 14th, a reality check. -

  • Saturn and Neptune syncrhonise their watches April-July and December 2022, raising our capacity for compassion.

  • The Saturn-Uranus square is within orb 15 September-23 October 2022.

Saturn-Uranus Square: Break Down to Break Through!

And let’s not forget, we still have the last of the Saturn-Uranus square going on in 2022. It comes close to exactness between 15 September and 23 October 2022. This could bring back echoes of 2021 with fears around Covid flares as we head into the usual flu season but this should be short-lived.

The Covid narrative has thankfully started to wane but, sadly, the totalitarian top down controls it’s brought in through the back door will not be as easy to shake...

These stem back to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020, the very symbol of top down controls that astrology has been forecasting for years, even without knowing exactly how they would arrive. The pandemic was merely the incidental vehicle to these being implemented. With the Saturn-Pluto opposition still to come in Leo and Aquarius in the mid 2030s, it will take a lot of heart and courage as this cycle plays out.

The Saturn-Uranus square of 2021-22 is a moment of awakening, giving us a choice: where do you draw the line? What values are you prepared to make a hard stand for?

This is not about flexibility and finding different solutions. It’s about saying ‘the buck stops here.’

  • The Saturn-Uranus square comes closest 15 September-23 October 2022 at 18-19 degrees Taurus-Aquarius.

  • Jupiter in Aries semi-squares Saturn and Uranus 11 May-20 October (and Uranus only til December), highlighting questions of restriction versus freedom right on cue for summer travel.


Jupiter & Neptune 2022: Ride the Wave

One major feature of 2022 takes place it the first half of the year only. And it is the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction of April 12th. This is like a powerful swell, washing away the old to make way for the new, an energy-cleanse, a vast portal opening to draw forth more spirit upon this earth. And as with any powerful current, things get tough if there are blockages - feelings, lost dreams or hurts that you have been holding onto. The message here is let go...

This is perhaps the hardest and yet most healing part of this aspect: let go… Let the current take you.

Jupiter in Pisces then Aries: First Dream It then Do It!

Jupiter starts his journey in Pisces in 2022, fuelling our biggest life dreams. There he meets Neptune on April 12th, the other great lord of the Pisces realm, in a once in 166 years summit. The sole agenda? To boost our spiritual growth. Come May 11th, Jupiter enters Aries, where he brings questions of leadership to the fore.

If January-May is a time to dream big, then May-October is the time to enact your vision.

Where Jupiter-Neptune in Pisces may have felt victimising at times, Jupiter in Aries calls on the hero within!

With Jupiter changing signs half way through the year, there’s a clear shift in energies from mid-May onwards. The first four months are best used strengthening your spirit - all the better to prepare for what’s is to come. After that, growth calls for action! Pray, dream and visualise til mid-May then take the initiative! Call on your spirit warrior!

  • Jupiter entered Pisces 29 December 2021 and spans 0 Pisces to 8 Aries in 2022

  • Jupiter conjuncts Neptune 12 April 2022 (but is within orb from the 7 to the 17th)

  • Jupiter sextiles Uranus 18 February 2022 and sextiles Pluto May 3rd.

  • Jupiter enters Aries 11 May 2022

  • Jupiter stations retrograde at 28 July 2022 at 9 Aries

  • Jupiter back into Pisces 28 October 2022

  • Jupiter stations direct 23 November 2022 at 29 Pisces

  • Jupiter re-enters Aries 20 December 2022

  • The Sun-Jupiter conjunction is 5th March (new cycle of growth), the opposition 26 September 2022 (seeing how far we've come).

Neptune in Pisces: A World As One

Neptune is still in Pisces this year, where he’s been firmly since 2012. Neptune stays in Pisces til the end of 2025, generating what will historically be seen as the great spiritual awakening of the early 21st century.

Just as Neptune in Aquarius (1998-2012) unified us all through the internet and tech, Neptune in Pisces is now unifying our heartstrings on a whole other energetic network.

The aim is to wash away division and lift barriers to the spiritual unification and elevation of mankind now and til 2025. This year Neptune is very strong as he is conjunct Jupiter.

  • Neptune travels 20-25 degrees of Pisces

  • Neptune conjuncts the Sun 13th March: New dreams are born.

  • Neptune stations retrograde on June 28th at 20 Pisces

  • Neptune opposes the Sun 16th September: are we moving in alignment with our dreams?

  • Neptune stations direct 4th December at 25 Pisces.

  • The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is April 12th.

Chiron in Aries: Wounded Personal Autonomy

Jupiter in Aries sails toward but doesn't quite reach Chiron in 2022. Chiron in Aries symbolises the wounding of personal agency, autonomy and sovereignty we've seen happen over the past few years. Chiron is strongly connected with health and healing and whilst he was very active in 2021, Chiron takes a back seat in 2022, both on the medical and personal front. The cry to heal our collective wounds of individual disempowerment becomes strong again by March 2023, as Jupiter, now firmly in Aries, comes to conjunct Chiron in Aries. Chiron has been in Aries since 2018-19 and will stay there til 2026-27.

  • Chiron travels 8-16 degrees Aries in 2022.

  • He stations retrograde 29 July then goes direct 23 December 2022.

  • Chiron conjuncts the Sun 2 April and opposes it 7th October.


Mars, Mercury, Venus Retrograde: Rethink, Reassess, React!

Unlike 2021, all three personal planets turn retrograde in 2022. The year begins with Venus retrograde, shortly followed by Mercury in January 2022; and it ends with Mars retrograde from October onwards, with Mercury again joining in for good measure.

These retrogrades make the bookends of the year truly bizarre, hauntingly unreal, urging some deep questioning about where we have come from and where are headed.

January's Venus Retrograde in Capricorn: Mourning the Past

The year started with Venus retrograde in Capricorn, urging us to re-evaluate our most important emotional and financial investments. Venus entered her shadow period at the first Venus-ruled eclipse in Taurus on November 19th and all sorts of things - including the markets - sensed danger and started going south.

Venus retrograde in Capricorn conjunct Pluto was harsh on the soul.

It’s done now, never to return. The cold wintry feeling in December and January strengthened our grit and stamina, allowing us to mourn for what is gone and invest more wisely in the future. Venus exits her retrograde shadow March 3rd, travelling for weeks alongside warrior Mars, inciting major conflict between Russia and the Ukraine. The results of this period, which has brought us war, will be clearly visible by October of 2022, when Venus and the Sun reach their superior conjunction in Libra, mere days before the solar eclipse in Scorpio.

  • Venus entered shadow 17 November, stationed retrograde 19 December 2021.

  • Sun-Venus inferior conjunction 9 January 2022 - new desires.

  • Venus direct 29 January, exits shadow March 3rd conjunct Mars-Pluto - Venus the warrior.

  • Still to come: Sun-Venus Superior conjunction 22 October at 29 Libra - results.

Mars Retrograde in Gemini: Sibling Squabbles

2022 ends with Mars retrograde in Gemini, the sign of the squabbling twins.

This is a symbol of civil unrest, even civil war, given where we are at. Here we have division, censored unvocalised anger and irrevocable disagreement trying to find expression.

It is no accident perhaps that this happens right in the midst of the midterm US elections. Mars is action and Mars retrograde is re-action - re-do’s, re-counts, re-versals. The last time Mars went retrograde was, yes, another crucial period in the US, the 2020 presidential election. And here we are again, with the midterms taking place amid the same renegade, mistrustful climate.

Mars goes retrograde in Gemini 30th of October 2022 to 12 January 2023, with its shadow period lasting from 3 September 2022 to 15 March 2023. And so the latter part of the year looks to be hard on the nervous system, full of anger and dispute, even people up in arms (a body-part ruled by Gemini). Mars was last in Gemini (direct) in the Spring of 2021 and conjunct the North Node, calling for transparency and constructive dialogue early in the debate. Misinformation, censorship and crackdowns are now rife, and as Mars squares deceptive Neptune throughout his retrograde cycle, there's sure to be some funny and underhanded business afoot.

On a personal level, now is a time to return to a challenging task and tackle it afresh.

Any project that requires you to stay the distance and overcome obstacles to achieve your aims will help you channel any angry, contrary and confrontational feelings. Build your strength throughout 2022 because the end of the year may be tiring.

The cycle we're now in began with the Mars-Sun conjunction in October 2021 in Libra. Here is the timeline:

  • Mars-Sun conjunction 8 October 2021 in Libra - seed of current initiatives.

  • Mars enters retrograde shadow 3 September 2022 - testy period.

  • Mars stations retrograde 30 October (25 Gemini) - renegade activity begins.

  • Mars opposition 8 December at (16 Gemini) - aggressions peak.

  • Mars stations direct 12 January 2023 (7 Gemini) - energy release (til Jan 30th).

  • Mars exits shadow 15 March 2023 - return to new normal.

  • New cycle begins November 2023.

Mercury Retrograde in Air-Earth: From Theory to Practice

That leaves our usual retrograde whiz, Mercury, whose retrograde in 2022 straddles two elements. Mercury starts his retro action in Air and finishes it in Earth signs. We have Aquarius-Capricorn in January-February; Gemini-Taurus in May and Libra-Virgo in September. And so, Mercury retrograde in 2022 is all about reviewing information (Air) and then applying it for results (Earth).

Mercury retrograde 2022 is about moving from theory to practice. Moving from the mind to the body. Walking your talk.

Mercury retrogrades in Aquarius-Capricorn January-February; Gemini-Taurus May-June and Libra-Virgo September-October. What starts as a review of accepted knowledge in January fast becomes a rethink around structures and regulations by February 2022. What starts as a review of data, news and trade in May fast becomes a revisiting of values, money and resources by June. And what starts as a re-examination of contracts, agreements and relationships in September, fast becomes a review of our health and employment practices by October. With Mercury retrograde and the eclipses both, marking a shift from Air to Earth this year, what was mere waffle back in 2021 now has real life repercussions that need to be addressed.

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn: 14 January - 4 February 2022

  • Mercury retrograde 14 January at 10 Aquarius (during Venus Retrograde)

  • Inferior conjunction 23 January at 3 Aquarius (new ideas)

  • Mercury direct 4 February at 24 Capricorn (conjunct Pluto)

  • Mercury superior conjunction 3 April at 13 Aries (clarity & revelations)

Mercury retrograde in Gemini and Taurus: 10 May - 3 June 2022

  • Mercury retrograde 10 May at 4 Gemini (amid eclipses)

  • Inferior conjunction 21 May at 0 Gemini (critical new ideas)

  • Mercury direct 3 June at 26 Taurus (trine Pluto)

  • Mercury superior conjunction 16 July at 24 Cancer (clarity & revelations)

Mercury retrograde in Libra and Virgo: 10 September - 20 October 2022

  • Mercury retrograde 10 September at 6 Libra (Mars in retrograde shadow)

  • Inferior conjunction 23 September at 0 Libra (politically critical new ideas!)

  • Mercury direct 20 October at 24 Virgo (trine Pluto)

  • Mercury superior conjunction 8 November at 16 Scorpio (coincides with powerful blood moon total lunar eclipse in Taurus and Uranus opposition - startling events & revelations)

Two out of three inferior conjunctions of Mercury retrograde take place at critical degrees in May and September, bringing to light information that is fragile, uncertain, new. Also note the presence of Pluto every time Mercury goes direct, always bringing up themes of money and survival. Finally, note the high intensity of November 8th-9th.

Mercury, Mars and Venus Out of Bounds 2022

It is also worth noting the dates when Mars, Venus and Mercury go out of bounds in 2022. A planet is “out of bounds” when it veers too far north or south of the parent path of the Sun (23:27 degrees of declination off the ecliptic to be precise). When a planet is out of bounds it goes rogue, operating outside conventional, socially accepted norms. And when Mercury, Venus and Mars go out of bounds, our feelings, thoughts and actions get a little wild, as if beholden to no one. So let's note these dates here.

Mars Out of Bounds: Nobody Tells Me What To Do

Mars is out of bounds 12 January - 10 February 2022 and 22 October to 4 May 2023. This latter period coincides with Mars’ retrograde, making any conflicts and attacks during that period even more lawless, sui generis and shocking. We’re in for an interesting Autumn.

Venus Out of Bounds: Nobody Tells Me How To Love

Venus goes briefly out of bounds December 1st-24th 2022. Relationships become intense and memorable during this period, placing your preferences and desires front and center.

Mercury Out of Bounds: Nobody Tells Me What to Think

Mercury goes out of bounds 6-13 July and 23 Nov-21 Dec 2022, releasing your mind from the grip of its usual bandwidth. This can be an intense period for news and communications, raising the mental frequencies and straining the nervous system but good for thinking outside the box.


Image by Joshua Newton from Unsplash

Article by YourAstroGenes


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