Jupiter, your ruler, is gracing you with his presence, dear Pisces, making you the luckiest sign of all, something that only happens every 12 years. What’s more, he’s there with Neptune, your other ruler, something that happens every 166 (!) years. Yes. January-May 2022 is pure magic for you — a godsend when you can make your wildest dreams come true. Dream big! Dare to take action to pursue your dreams because you have access to energies that only happen once in a dozen lifetimes. Set your vision ablaze with prayer, with desire, with faith as 2022 gets into swing, then give it a booster shot in November and December. You can take the necessary steps to make your dreams a reality May-October, when Jupiter bestows his financial luck and protection to you, as well as giving you the strength and confidence to pursue your dreams. It’s your turn to feel the luxury that Jupiter brings and enjoy abundance coming your way. Your value system has been gradually shifting toward more authentic principles of late and you’ll find that you can capitalise on this new set of priorities now and in the first half of 2023.
Pluto has been plugging you into some powerful circles since 2008 and introducing you to people who can — and did — change your life. This year completes the demolition work of your old friendships, alliances and social networks and any allies that survive this revamp process are certainly worth their salt. Having established your presence in new and powerful communities, Pluto will start plugging you into vast collective currents and powerful institutions starting in 2023-24, where you can have real influence in the world if you align yourself with a greater purpose. You’re now going through a process of ditching any vestiges of your old identity to make room for changes to come. You’re facing your demons, letting go of who you used to be and preparing yourself for something new. By March 2023, when Saturn enters your sign, you’ll be ready to take charge of your life, shoulder responsibilities and build a whole new personality construct, meeting the world from a place of greater authority.
You started 2022 in a kind of social bubble, trying to figure out who your real friends are, what you dream of and what kind of people you want to hang out with. Mercury retrograde in January, May-June and September-October is urging you to carry out a thorough review of your emotional security needs and set these against your current relationships, friendships and overal environment. Your home is about to become a hotbed of activity, starting this August and all the way until March 2023 — especially in October 2022 -January 2023. You may move home or embark on a major renovations project, or perhaps a family member may require your help and input. Either way, the latter half of 2022 energises you to set up your life on a whole new foundation.
2022 will also see a total recalibration of your mental outlook and philosophy of life. It’s time to ditch old dogmas and outdated beliefs systems and learn from direct experience. Indulge your curiosity! Let your immediate perceptions be your guide, stripped, as much as possible, from the perversion of your old belief-filters. Uranus and the eclipses are set to revolutionise the environment in which you operate, giving you new creative outlets and platforms to express your ideas. Find your voice! The summer promises to be an incredibly exciting period where you can share your thoughts, meet interesting people and learn new tricks. The autumn brings echoes of last year’s stresses on your nervous system, as you try to bring unconscious information up into the light of consciousness to heal body and soul and upgrade your thinking. All the better to ditch any last vestiges of your old identity and unleash your creative voice.
How the Year Shapes Up:
Revisit your dreams for the future, find your allies and review key friendships. You may fly under the radar, as you prepare projects behind the scenes, go on a retreat or delve into hidden aspects of yourself.
A memorable, once in a lifetime period of spiritual awakening bringing luck, heightened receptivity and creative inspiration. Feel the grace. Revitalise your finances. Dream the impossible dream. Behind the scenes, you’re reaching an important psychological turning point. The end of April is a good time to launch exciting new ideas and communications.
You are now ready to improve your financial situation and build your confidence. A lot of commotion around your home and immediate environment. Rearrange your space. Expect a major turning point involving publishing, marketing, study or international travel. Time to make something official.
This is a revolutionary summer for sharing your ideas, selling what you’ve got and making connections. People you now meet now have the power to totally change the way you perceive and interact with your world. Work on your creative ideas and have fun!
Time for a review of your relationships and business agreements, including any financial dealings. You can see joint financial matters more clearly. Nervous tensions mount until you release what you no longer need and free your mind. An official fresh start with something long in coming, perhaps relating to marketing, travel, publishing, law or education. The time has also come to make changes to your property or living situation.
The eclipses deliver a powerful message, breaking familial ties with the past. You’re in the midst of a move or home renovation project, or there may be lots of arguments and commotion in your home, urging you to address a family matter. Jupiter is back in your sign offering you his luck and protection until the end of the year. Launch your ships!