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The eclipses are in your sign, dear Taurus and you’re in for one of the craziest rollercoaster years of your life! Uranus, the North Node and the eclipses in your sign are totally revolutionising how you see yourself, down to your looks, personality, your very identity. If you’re not quite sure who you are any more, be open for life to show you. Important encounters with others are sure to open up new horizons for you. Wave goodbye to your fear of change! The eclipses guarantee a total recalibration of your point of interface with the world, your relationships and how you identify. Relationships and agreements whose time has come will now seek resolution. It’s time to fulfil the terms of these agreements, deliver what you promised and collect your dues. And while other people — partners, clients or even competitors — are sure to play a crucial role in your life over the next 1.5 years, you are the one who is leading the revolution. It’s time to take the initiative and enter unfamiliar ground — especially this summer, which could be shocking, groundbreaking and life-changing. Destiny calls! Any remaining barriers will show up by September-October, echoing the challenges of 2021 to help you break through to a whole other level of private and public identity.

You launched 2022 with Venus, your ruler, retrograde and it’s been a slow and difficult start to the year. This urged you to re-evaluate what’s most important and change your outlook and expectations, coming up with new and more meaningful stories to understand your life and create a vision for the future. This autumn sees Mars turning retrograde in your earned income sector so get ready to do a total revamp of your self-worth, values and priorities, as well as your finances. Expenses may also rise from August-September onwards and stay high until March 2023, urging you to reexamine your income and expenditure and find new ways to boost your strength. Your physical body and possessions also fall under this category so you may be busy strengthening your physique or sorting through your stuff. Mercury also retrogrades this year, in January, May-June and September-October, ensuring that you reassess practical matters to do with your work, career and earnings, especially with respect to what makes you you, allowing you to be yourself, express your creativity and expand your horizons.

Pluto is busy completing his demolition work of your mental prisons in 2022. These are fears of judgment, dogmas and belief systems that you have been subscribing to all your life and that you are now starting to see for the prisons they are. This transformation, which started in 2008, is now nearly complete. Come 2023-24, you’ll be ready to radically redirect your life, your goals, career and public image based on your new philosophical outlook and increasingly establish your authority. You are already at a crucial juncture for your career, constructing a whole new public image for yourself. You’re forging a new life path and setting forth on a new adventure with your professional goals. This year will help you create a prototype of where you see your life going with the coming years radically transforming your image.

Jupiter is in Pisces and lucky for you there in January-May, bringing you into contact with like-minded people and communities with whom you can connect on a soul-level. March and April are especially poignant, calling you to pursue your most noble dreams, share the love and serve your community. It’s time to make your contribution, dear Taurus. If there was ever a great time for you to find your tribe and enjoy a sense of connection and belonging on a global scale, with no strings attached, this is it. From May to October, it’s time to spread your good will incognito, working behind the scenes — whether this is a spiritual endeavour, a creative project or large scale institutional work. You have protection as you awaken to new ways to serve the whole, using your creativity and intuition, and 2023 will bring these gifts even more to the fore. November-December brings yet more luck and generosity via your friends and social circle, completing a year that is sure to bring great rewards for your efforts.

How the Year Shapes Up:


Time for a deep dive reassessment of your guiding credo and direction in life. Wrapped in a cocoon as the year begins, you begin to tentatively move forward in February.


There’s a swelling desire to be of service to the community. Find your tribe. Time to pursue your goals and make important career decisions. Meaningful inner workings prepare you for your birthday season, which brings an important new beginning to take you all through the year and beyond.


A dramatic turning point arrives for an important relationship. A highly sociable period gives way to a more private time to grow and expand creatively and spiritually, behind the scenes. Hidden activity. Spiritual growth pangs. Time to rethink your assets, talents and resources, and how they inform your whole approach.


The earth literally shakes. Important events that are bigger than you point you to your true north. Join forces with others and move forward dynamically. You’re pouring some energy into your home and surroundings.


Tensions mount as you strive to break out of old career roles and redefine your identity. External restrictions grate against your increasing desire for freedom. A long journey of financial redefinition begins. Clarity around your work urges you to rethink your work-life balance. A fresh start in your relationships allows you to sort out unfinished business.


A major personal turning point when something within you breaks with the past. Liberation, shock, disruption. Embrace change. A time of working hard to reenergise your assets, strength and finances. Lucky associations open doors.

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'every man and every woman is a star'

Aleister Crowley

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